but I think the people that do, will really like it (And no not for the drugs) just of how its represented. Its very intense to me. anyway…thought maybe someone would appreciate it.
*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**Hmm…I don’t condone the use of drugs, but this guy has done an amazing job of using visual effects and sound. I like it cause the music rocks. =) **
im so glad someone saw it the way i see it. I agree 100% w/ your comment.
um… well if you actually go to the main site page there is no picture - the only reason you’ve seen it is because you clicked on a link to it… the site in no way opens up with a picture of someone shooting up. So I guess it’s not really on the “front page” :sigh:
as a flash presentation its pretty well done… but as far as drugs are concerned, i just hate drugs and those who do it… anyways, i’d really like to see a little caption or a synopsis type thing
*Originally posted by david *
**Although… Heroin is not a drug that I would say has any redeaming qualities at all. **
I agree david, my family has been affected by it. It is one of the only substances will never try. On the flip side… my family (and friends) have been affected in even more adverse ways from the most commonly used drug in America - alcohol. Good thing its legal and helps fund gov’t projects :sigh: (if you haven’t been able to tell from this post or any of my others let me make my feelings clear: THE WAR ON DRUGS IS A WASTE OF RESOURCES… drugs are not the problem, people are it - and knowledge is the answer. I am very passionate about this topic, so I’ll be sure to get off my soapbox now…
Ahmed… I’m really sorry you feel that way. I do “drugs”. Yet I feel we could learn many things from eachother. I find it sad you do not accept me. I can love those that will never do drugs, may try drugs, or do them on a regular basis… as long as they are good loving people that do not attempt to harm fellow humans.
i took my first bong hit 7 motnhs ago. ive done it 3 or 4 times since then. I agree with david. drugs arent the problem its abusing them. its sad people have no self control.
*Originally posted by Ryall *
**Ahmed… I’m really sorry you feel that way. I do “drugs”. Yet I feel we could learn many things from eachother. I find it sad you do not accept me. I can love those that will never do drugs, may try drugs, or do them on a regular basis… as long as they are good loving people that do not attempt to harm fellow humans.
well you do make a point… but i see it more this way; its sad that there are ‘good loving people that do not attempt to harm fellow humans’ who do drugs … well thats just my opinion…
Do not feel sorry for us, perhaps a short life, filled with enjoyment is a better life than a long one of pious self denial.
(PS I am still a very FIRM believer that people below the age of 18 do not have the right to choose that path. I am for a complete restructuring of the war on drugs, but children are not in a possition to know if something like a drug is the right thing for them. (sorry Ryall ))