Hello all, I don’t know what made me think of this but I thnk it’s kinda funny so I’ll share.
My first year of college I was partying it up pretty good as I’m sure most of you did. . Anyways, it was the night before one of my mid-terms and my roomates decided to hold a century club party. Century club is when everyone does 100 shots of beer in 100 minutes. Sounds easy and it is, only thing though is that you get real pissed and it’s not something you do before mid terms.
The next morning I woke up a with a killer hangover at 9:45 am and I was freaking out 'cause my mid term was at 9:30 am. :red: I quickly got dressed and ran to my class. When I arrived late and asked my professor for a copy of the mid term he looked me up and down and asked
“Do you really want to write this test?” to which I replied :ne: “Yea, Yea am I too late or something?”
He then said :h: “Are you sure you want to write this test?” I was a little annoyed with him by now so I was like “Are you gonna let me write the test or what?” :bad:
He finally gave me the test and I began writing like a madman. Weird thing was I didn’t know any of the answers. I sat there for two hours writing and was the last one to finish. When I finally finished I handed him the paper and he said “I’m really glad you could make it out to write.” =) It was then that all of my classmates started filing into the classroom and I looked at the clock, it said 9:30. Turns out I had just written a 3rd year mid term and my real mid term was just begining. I was so ingulfed in the test (or still drunk) I didn’t even realise that i was sitting next to people I didn’t even know. To top it all off I was wearing a t-shirt that read “Mother’s and Father’s Thanks for your Daughter’s” on the front and “College is Great! **** the Classes!” on the back.:ne:
In case you’re wondering I got a 70 on the 3rd year paper and a 75 on my real term paper:smirk: and I never lived that story down.
Wow that was long! Anyways I want to hear you’re embarassing moments at school:smirk: