Dynamic text html formatting help

Alright, getting frustrated with dynamic text html formatting…
I create an ordered list with the traditional < ol> and < li> tags and it will indent the text, but will not number the lines. Also, I can’t center text. Any solutions?

As far as I’m concerned, there are some tags that Flash don’t support. Some of them are the hr (horizontal rule), table, center. However, the ol and/or the ul tags should work.

If you are loading this from an external file, then in a keyframe (preferably in the beginning of the movie), type in the following

textboxInstanceName.html = true;

//If you are using the loadText.onLoad = function(), 
then replace the following line with the following:

textboxInstanceName.htmlText = this.textboxVariable;

Hope that helps (and hope that MX 2004 will support other HTML formatting tags like < center > as well :beam: ).

the action script that I am using in my frame is:

loadText = new loadVars();
textboxjayinteview.htmlText = this.textboxVariable;
{jayinterview.text = this.jay;

my file is called - jaypidgeon.txt
Instance name - jayinterview
and variable - Jay.

I’ve changed the 3rd line as instructed but all that appears in the text box is html code describing the alignment and data from the text properties in flash.

Before I change the third line of action sript above the text loaded fine but would accept html tags.

What am I missing???:hangover: