I spent hours playing Carmen Sandiego (1990 edition) as a kid. It’s fun going back and just watching how far graphics and gameplay have come along since then. What were some of the earliest video games you all played?
A close tie for another game I played a lot is the first Commander Keen:
For me it was the arcades, the earliest I remember was at Crabtowne USA. My dad used to take me there sometimes after work. Favorites included Tempest, Mrs Pac man (far superior to her male counterpart), and most of all, Joust.
At home, my first system was the Intellivision - a hand-me-down from my uncle. Triple Action was where it was at - a game I didn’t have, but a friend of my father’s did for his system. So jealous
A I also still remember the day I first saw and played an NES. It was some friend of a friends house and they had Contra. Blew my mind. Played the hell out of that game when I finally got one myself.
Tennis, Hockey and Smash - shown here on a Odyssey 200 - all very distinct.
When the Atari 2600 arrived, I thought that must be the pinnacle of graphics never to be matched. The future had clearly arrived and would never be improved.
Now the Atari VCS ( after only a few (cough*) more delays ) is coming full circle and beyond. My child self through the leap from the Odyssey 300 to the Atari 2600 was as good as it would ever get.
I’ve been on the vcs mailing list since the beginning. I haven’t pre-ordered, but I am really curious about what they’re up to. I’m finding it difficult to see how they think they’ll find a place in the market.
Haha late to this, but wow that’s nastalgic. Loved all 3 of those Kirupa.
Also ‘Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe’ another great DOS game with the Joystick.
And thanks for the welcome! Been a long time site visitor, but finally decided to join the forums, so thank you for all of the resources. Discovered you via purchasing your React book at a Barnes and Noble a long time ago, by far the easiest & best coding read, so kudos on the detailed and humorous writing style.