
Hey, I keep looking at your site,
and it is really a great one. What
area of flash would I concentrate
in, to get an effect like those in your
buttons that morph on the mouseover, and
also do you use anything other than
flash for your animations? That would
really throw me off if you do.Thanks

I use Cinema 4D, Photoshop, Illustrator and Flash MX to build my site.

A lot of the stuff on my site is nothing more than motion tweens and shape tweens.

Actionscript is used as well, but nothing too complicated.

EDIT: hahah sorry about that, I mistaken you for another member named billybaker. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks man. Your site is really
good, and if it’s not that complicated,
you sure took simplicity to another
level… NE way I’ll have to pass on
cinema 4D, I saw the price…Thanks

The methods are simple (tweens), the implementation is what gives it that extra zing of excellence.

My site is powered by Lost and Ahmed. :stuck_out_tongue:

D@mn what are those EG some new processors?? i never heard o em im interested :wink:


haha yes, my comp runs on 2 processors…

I have 1 AMD Ahmed and 1 Intel Lostinbetaron. :stuck_out_tongue:

Whoa i want one for christmas lmao

I bet it has a secondary AS unit on board with voice recongicion (sp?)

so all you’d have to do is yell at it and it does the code for ya! :stuck_out_tongue:

keeeewl… :stuck_out_tongue:

Sign me up!

I have a lot of work to do after christmas and something like this would really increase not only productivity but my video game playing availability! :stuck_out_tongue:

Ya i wish you could just go to a store and buy a Lost or and Ahmed. They could be called “Code Monkeys” and you just put them in front of a PC and they jsut code away. They throw less feces then a real monkey.

true, but the stuff they throw instead of feces is a lot worse…



for some reason, I think they would still throw just as much feces around :wink:

As far as I know, the Lost CodeMonkey doesn’t throw feces, instead he foams at the mouth a lot.

The Ahmed CodeMonkey however throws feces with the best of 'em.

Speaking of Ahmed, has anyone seen that orange fruit?

prob still in kindergarten…



Oh yeah that’s right, I remember him telling me he was setting up a mySQL database for show and tell. :stuck_out_tongue:

I heard he was writing a PHP script to get his classmates DNA Signature. He said it’s tougher than getting an IP address, but for him it’s super simple.
