Electron Geek

Electron i have been working on my site for a little while now and cant wait till i put it up but…I have a delay see i was looking at your site and really want to have a file of that cool drawing in your portfolio its the Little file you click on then the image comes up…

Sorta like a SWF thing but your style is it possable for me to have it…

pretty please with a cherry on top.

I drew it out in flash, what’s so hard about it? It’s just a simple square then a little triangle in the corner.

Of course I can just give it to you, but I want you to try making it first. :wink:

Use the pen tool to create a box wit a corner chipped off. then create the little triangle. The reason I say pen tool is you can create the shape quickly then edit the individual point to get your proportions right. It is really easy and should not be a show stopper. That should not hold up your release. let me know if you need more insight…but I agree with geek…you should draw it…so I wont create you one either till you try…:sleep:

here is my entry…

Your looks more better more mechinacal…

just make the triangle a bit larger and then shrink the entire thing down. Also on mine, I made it white and then turned down the alpha to make it look dimmed.

There mine looks alot more better now.

The code for the Thumbnails i forget i thnink ill do that myself so ill try…
Maybe a source…

All i know is that it has somthing to do with the _y scale thing but forget the code.

[edit]Crap it dident wokr the FIle[/edit]
But only on my Flash MX it looks good.

There you go, it looks a lot better now. As for the scaling, all I did was rescale it on the over state of the button, no fancy AS here. :wink:

Alrgiht then…

I like the fancy AS just that your site is so fany i thought ou ould of used some fany AS

Oh and what did ou do wih the Synthnizr thing you know the little bars that go up and down…

Either its animation or awsome AS.

As for the scaling you can do it through AS with the x and y scale properties, here’s one way, but I’m sure there’s other methods, just apply this to a movieclip:

onClipEvent (load) {
	_xscale = 35;
	_yscale = 35;
on (rollOver){
	_xscale = 25;
	_yscale = 25;
on (rollOut){
	_xscale = 35;
	_yscale = 35;

As for the music equalizer on my site, do a search in the MX section for “equalizer” and you’ll see that it has been asked a few times. I’m too lazy to get the link for you so you’re gonna have to look for it.

What else would you like to copy from my site? hahah seems like you’re asking about everything on there. :beam:

Well i like your Layout ting the silver outline thing…
Did you use PhotoShop for that or C4D and PhotoShop because i would love to make an effect like that.

The interface was made in Illustrator, well just the outline of it. Then I brought it into Photoshop and applied a series of layer blends and filters. The only thing on my site that’s made from C4D are the background images, but some of those were also touched up in Photoshop as well. There isn’t anything I design that doesn’t go through some Photoshop.