The geek animation

How do you make that cool electrongeek signature animation. You know that thing that goes from left to right. Man that’s one cool animation.

Nice one Geek :+) I mean MR. electrongeek

Its just a couple of pictures with a bunch of “complex” tweens. I have a similar file somewhere…

Yea Duhhhhh
how do you make the gif file to turn around

*Originally posted by T-O *
Yea Duhhhhh

Go help yourself then…

  • Soul :goatee:

yeah dude we are trying to help you here, we dont need that. where did you come from Flashkit? BB?

Why dont you PM EG and ask him?

[SIZE=1]Private Message Electron Geek[/SIZE]

T-O, you’ve been a little rude around here and people don’t like that so if you want people to help you, atleast show some respect.

As for my footer, Morse basically posted the source file I made awhile back. The only difference between that file and the one I use is that there are just duplicates of the same swirl. I placed a bunch of swirl animations inside a movie clip and then tweened the movieclip back and forth. That’s it.

*Originally posted by electrongeek *
T-O, you’ve been a little rude around here and people don’t like that so if you want people to help you, atleast show some respect.


Btw, this wasn’t a gif file but a flash file, and yes, you were a little rude m8. When we ask for help, and we want people to reply, we gotta make sure we are friendly. We’re not flaming each other around here… peace all over :stuck_out_tongue: