Yes he did.
Check the “Help Build Kirupaville” thread, he posted a while bunch of smileys he made and supplies the code you can use to use them.
Yes he did.
Check the “Help Build Kirupaville” thread, he posted a while bunch of smileys he made and supplies the code you can use to use them.
*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**Sen, did you make that nurse smiley?!??!?! I need to know!! AHHHHH!!**
hmm…interesting, I rarely go into that thread.
:::throwing holy water at eg, while performing excersisom:::
Alex, stop that, it tickled!! hahahah =)
haha it wasnt water. :beam:
i always knew EG was evil!!! he told me in a PM that he was sent by the devil himself that he will make a scheme to take over all of kirupaville…and he is being humble and all i’m not so cool becuz he secretly wants to rule
sen is also evil
lib is also evil
phil is also evil
everyone in this forum is evil besides me and kirupa
we are saints
understand this
oh yea and that sheep guy is also evil
and pom is evil
vts1 isn’t evil
who else is evil
i’m thinking
ok i know
guig0 is evil
alex is evil
trout is evil
kit is evil
dan is evil
everyone is evil besides me vts1 kirupa and thats
edit: anyone else know who is evil??? me and kirupa can’t be EVIl cuz we are saints
Mak a saint? LMAO!!! puahahahhahaha. sheds a tear hahahahahahha…hahahahhaha…ahhahahaha
oh man Mak you crack me up, stop it already, my stomach hurts from laughing…ahhahaha
LOL… Alright, we just figured out Mak was the ultimate evil here. Hey EG, how about we take him down now!!!
:trout: :trout: :trout: :trout: :trout: :trout: :trout: :trout: :trout: :trout:
i am saint!~!
u doubt sainthood you wil pay
I will pay you in trout!
Sounds good Lost, let the slaying begin!!
pulls out trough nunchucks Take that Mak!! :trout: :trout: :trout: :trout:
:trout: :trout: :trout:
i shall get saint friend Kirupa
[edit by saint kirupa] DIE lostEG DIE!!! smiley attack!!!
[edit by saint kirupa]
lost and EG unmerged naked…stare at each other and smirk
ahhhh!!! its giving me a head ach:hangover:
lol Mak, where do you get these smileys from? Seems like you pull out a new one every now and then. =)
i put that as my desktop pic and it made me go cross eyed. (just to see what it would look like)
Hey, you edited that yourself to look like Kirupa.
I actually did edit EGs post!
*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**Hey, you edited that yourself to look like Kirupa.
I actually did edit EGs post! **
ahhaha Mak is a cheater!! :beam:
*Originally posted by Alex *
**i put that as my desktop pic and it made me go cross eyed. (just to see what it would look like) **
Alex, stare at it for about 30 min and you’ll see something cool, try it. =)
*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**Alex, stare at it for about 30 min and you’ll see something cool, try it. =) **
see something cool? i would probally pass out haha.
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