Electrongeek Evil?!?!

Apparently Mr. Electrongeek was the 666th person to post in the “Tell Us” thread… hmmmmmm.


I never trusted Electrongeek for a second…


Well that post was welcoming you Senocular :wink:

ummmmm… so? :slight_smile:
I haven’t even posted there yet! :stuck_out_tongue:

OK No w I remember! now I got it! Never mind the last post!
Kinda wierd yeah! :bad:

tsk tsk…Sen I see how it is…I welcome you and this is the treatment I get!!? :scream:

In the words of script kiddies…“ph33r m3!!!”


Electrongeek+troutSlap = :trout:

hahah =)


hahaha… :beam:

Just kidding EG… don’t strike me with hellfire ;)…LOL (just kidding again… really I am)

lol sen!
<— LOL! Check out the look on the guy’s face when the nurse leaves! LMAO

LOL…Sen did you make that smiley?! That’s so cool. :beam:

slap me so I can go to the hospital!!!:beam:

Tak that Syko! :trout: :trout:

geek evil…

that explains a lot his behavior:

Originally said by electrongeek**
yes i can help you with that script problem of yours Guig0.
and all that will cost you is your soul, it´s not for me it´s for me daddy. and you´re not using it anyway, so, do we have a pact, er, i mean, a deal? :evil:

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

ahhh 2 slaps?
take that!

::bounces happily to the hospital::
::Awaits happily for the nurse::
::And the nurse comes!!!::


Guigo, Guigo, Guigo…there you go putting words in my mouth, I never asked for you Soul…

I took it already!! muahahhahahah :evil:

LOL… I didn’t think all this would happen :wink:

dont forget the optional shield to prevent the nurse needing to come at all…

… wait… why would you want to prevent that?

Sen, did you make that nurse smiley?!??!?! I need to know!! AHHHHH!! :scream: