Elements footer

My elements footer

Here are some of elements footers. I’m working on new ones hoping to finally create one finished piece.

[SWF=http://matthew.zaaz.co.uk/Footer01.swf height=60 width=300][/SWF]
Style footer 1 - basic idea

[SWF=http://matthew.zaaz.co.uk/Footer03.swf height=60 width=300][/SWF]
Style footer 2 - updated and improved version

[SWF=http://matthew.zaaz.co.uk/Footer02.swf height=60 width=300][/SWF]
Stlye footer 3 - purely a joke footer

Send help and ideas on how to improve please!!!
Also tell me ways to do these ideas, that would greatly help!

thx! :smirk:

This really belongs in either D&D or the Test forum… I’ll move it in a minute. :slight_smile:

Well it’s simple, but what does it suppose to do? I’m clicking on it but nothing happens.

Yeah I love the elements so when you click each one something should happen like it should catch fire or flood etc :beam:

  • Soul :s:

yeah - or change color themes each time you click one of the elements - and add rain or water drops on it for these elements - that’d be cool…


This is gonna sound dam stupid, but how do you make it link to something???

If it’s Flash, then you need either:

a) a button in the movie or
b) an invisble button over the whole movie

Put the following action onto the button: [AS]on (press) {
getURL(“http://www.url.com”, “_blank”);
}[/AS] That should do it. :slight_smile:

Cool!!! It works now!
Thx kitara!!!

No probs. :slight_smile:

Message to electrongeek, soul, mlk design or anyone else interested:

Could you help me on ideas on how to create something like raindrops. Because I can imagine it but stuck on how I would create it.

Thx (Be sure to check out my new footers in the original post)

i like the white one, looks cool. but mlk and those guys have a good idea!

i would just like make it so taht for air, have a few wisps doing tumbles or something like in Zelda: The wind Waker

I don’t like the fire myself, the theory’s all wrong. I’m adding a new one soon. It’s 100% better and I actually put some effort into it.

** New footer **

Hell yeah!!! Check out my new one all!!!

Nice color, but once again, how come none of those buttons work?

As per usual I stuck on what or how I could do some of the ideas.
Any help???

I thought I should mention that the four elements are traditioanlly Earth, Water, Wind and Fire (well, I believe so). Not Air :stuck_out_tongue: :).

As for the ideas, I can’t help all that much because I’m not too good with animation in Flash :).

Either way, it’s looking good and I can see you’re gradually making progress. Just keep on trying and you’ll get there in the end :thumb:.

Thinking about it…

Perhaps you could have a small movieclip play for each element when the pointer is moved over the relevant icon (the movieclip would play in place of that icon). Thus, one for Earth, one for Water, one for Wind, and one for Fire. However, that will probably make the filesize too large for use on these forums.

Soz all. I’m not trying to be clever, or trying to prove wrong but air can be called air, wind or even spirit. And also I get how I could do water, air and earth but how could I make a decent realistic fire movement? All and any ideas accepted.

Thx :slight_smile:

im not quite sure what the point in having this as your footer with the buttons unless when you click on the buttons, you go to a different part of your site?

Anyway in answer to your fire question, you should just have the three sections of the fire going from side to side like the movement of a snake,

Have Fun,
