Hee, wonder if i am eligible for Kirupa’s site of the week.\rI’ve got 2 URLs though:\r\r1) www.designcheck.net\r2) [url=“http://www.pixelsinteractive.com”]www.pixelsinteractive.com\r\rthanks :smokin:
hi ben…\r\rreally nice concepts…and well exicuted…\r\ryou got my vote!!!\r\rCheerio’\rBen… aka zerohero aka zerohead … ;] …
Heeheehee…\rMe now working on a version 2 of PixelsInteractive.com!\rHope it’s up soon…
1st : :rollin: hey ! that’s cheating, zero…\r2nd : ???\r\rpom 0]
LOL…no no…\r\rI spoke with weed…many moons ago about his site/s…and really liked them…[when he posted them in Ultrashock forum’s] … ;o] …\r\rI still stand by my vote…\r\rCheerio’\rBen…\r\rnice tut BTW ilyaslamasse…
Thanks Zerohead!\rZerohead stood by me and tested out my site, and went through thick and thin before my site was really launched! hehe…
I must be stupid, but I can’t understand how to make the second link work. I have a grid, cool, but that’s all. Nothing happens after. Is it me ?\r\rpom 0]
You mean pixelsinteractive.com??\rAre you on Mac?
Worse : I’m on Netscape. I’m gonna try with IE.\r\rpom 0]
Nice job on both sites. Although I am not a fan of fullscreen views, I never teh less liked both sites.\r\r1) www.designcheck.net\rI like the horizontal layout, I like the black which gives it a feel of intemacy and the ease of navigation…very straight forward…also liked the color that the background images offered\r\r2) www.pixelsinteractive.com\rThis one I like more for its originality of the transitions…the fact that the little cross hair pulls things in and out of the window…never see that done before, almost looks like somebody is placing things there with a mouse, actually I would like it even more if it were a real mouse arrow that places the objects rather then the crosshair.\r
Hey thanks psd250 for your kind and constructive comments!\rI think it’s a good idea if the crosshair becomes a mousecursor, i can visualize it in my head now…hm…\rThanks again