Hello everyone,\rPlease tell me what do you think.\r\rwww.mohamednabil.com
Hey man,\rGreat intro (I like the exploding text very much), and great transitions too. Really cool site !\rThere’s one thing though : in the artwork section, there is a problem in the scrolling thingy (it’s a bit too big).\r\rpom 0]
Hi,\rthank you for ur feedback, but can u tell me exactly what is the problem in the scrolling ? coz it’s working well with me and all my friends whom saw it!\rThank you
Well, when you scroll the pictures, you can see one part of the following image.\r\rMan I love that exploding effect. How did you do that ?\r\rpom 0]
about the scroll, i did that in purpose just to let the user notice that there’s next image.\rand about the exploding part i did it with ulead then imported it
very nice site. the exploding text is very cool. Pom is easily ammused and easily distracted…very picky…
I agree it’s a nice site, only point i’d make is: the buttons don’t fit in with the look of the rest, they look too …square?!
if you noticed there are more than one thing taking the square shape so i guess the button don’t look too diff. from the rest of the site !
I take it, you’ve been to www.billybussey.com/ ;] very nice job on site…i like your influences, keep up the good work.\r-vibe
yes i saw www.billybussey.com !\rhe has a v.good job