Email, flash and html

Would anyone here know how to make html markup for email programs. So that when you open your email - instead of seeing a link to a web page you see the actual web page?

I have a short video that I would like to be shown to a few clients here at work and I cannot seem to find any help on it. Please, anyone - if you can at least point me in the right direction it would be of much much help.

Thank you very much in advance :slight_smile:

Can’t you just render your email in HTML? I’ve done that before with pictures and such, but not with video.

This will only work is HTML is enabled in the clients e-mail application.

That’s true.

ok - let’s just say their email client is ready to recieve html markup.

I have the site already built

How do I put that into the email I am sending out?

Please? Someone must have an idea!

turn the site into outlook stationery.

try this

hope it helps…also i am pretty sure you can not embed flash into a HTML email…

jain :slight_smile:

Thank you very much for the help guys :slight_smile:

I actually did some more searching today and came up with one answer, but alas it didnt help me with the flash problem.

The way to go about it is, in Outlook Express go to insert, then “file from text” then open your html document that you created and make sure that all the image links and whatever else in there is linked with the full path, not the local one.

This works great except for the fact that if you have flash in the html file it’s considered an Active X plug in and your email client will not display those by default, it’s something you have to turn on. So Plain images and html work fine but if you try and insert flash - it’s too much of a pain in the butt.

Again, thanks for the help guys!

I tried doing it once through yahoo! email, since it actually lets you modify the html source code (and then used the <**embed> tag)… but the movie didn’t show up :frowning: