Flashing Emails

Is it possible to send flash emails to people. Basically I would like to design a flash animation as part of an advertisement for a job of mine and place this on the server and do a mass email sendout, I understand the ways of sending html emails a little, but when I try to incorporate any flash elements I get some active x error message, can anyone give me tips or ideas about the right way of going about this process, and if it is actually possible to do?

cheers in advance

Not a good idea.

HTML email campaigns are fine on their own. Mo need to add flash.

50 percent of your list, more than likely, will kick the undeliverable message back to you if you have flash in it (due to security settings of most inboxes).


hmm, i’d like to know this myself. Also can anyone tell me how to make an html e-mail? I know html but obviously there is something more you have to do then just put the html in the email…

*Originally posted by Digigamer *
**…obviously there is something more you have to do then just put the html in the email… **

That’s what YOU reckon, but there isn’t anything more to it!!


an html email is nothing more than an html page with hard coded links.

instead of pointing to “/resources/images/picture.gif” it would be
