Embarassing :(

So I’m in biology class today taking my exam, and about 1/3 of the way into it, my stomach errupts with a gastro-intestinal orchestra so loud that it turned heads! :ne:

It continued for the rest of the test too, I was so ashamed :frowning:

i farted once during a test. it was horrible. believe me johnny, your a guy. its nothing compared to being called fartypants for a week. :stuck_out_tongue:


I discovered a cure for this way back in tenth grade. My stomach used to grumble loudly just into my third period geography class.

Tear off a small piece of notebook paper and swallow it. The grumbling stops within seconds! Years later I discovered an even better cure. Eat breakfast.

Ahh if only I knew then what I know now… the wisdom that comes with old age is truly amazing.

I get the grumbling all the time in business (second period) class. Right before lunch, but the farthest away from breakfast :frowning:

well at least you head didn’t fall off. that would really be embarassing

Was that supposed to be funny ?

I don’t know.