Embed in every textbox?

If I embed a font in a Dynamic text box, do I need to embed it in all the other text boxes that use that font as well? Or do I only need to do it once in 1 of the text boxes?

you need to embed every signel textbox… i think a script like this would do it automatically… have it on your first frame

for(TextField in _root) {
	this[TextField].embedFonts = true


ahmed: That would only work if you import the font into the library manually and set its linkage properties to export for actionscript.

Also as stated you do have to embed it for each textbox, but this doesn’t embed the whole font each time. The font gets embedded 1 time, and all the textboxes use it ONLY if the option to embed font outlines is checked.

hehe i wasn’t sure if that would actually work or not, thanks for letting me know though =)

so i have to check off all the characters i’m using in each textbox?

Yeah, I usually just do all characters as a precaution.

Awesome - thanks lostinbeta and ahmed for your help. :slight_smile:

only once

k, now i’m confused :sigh:

Don’t be. Flash doesn’t know to embed the font outline unless you tell it to embed the font outline. Therefore you have to check that option on each dynamic textbox in your movie otherwise the default font will show for people without it installed (usually times new roman).

If Danno only does it once, I am assuming he has a lot of textboxes with Times New Roman in them :stuck_out_tongue:

Alright, cool.

Static text boxes are automatically embeded, right?

I believe so, yes.

Times new roman ROCKS MY FACE OFF!!!

Back off … lol


LOL… now is that rocks your face off as in throws rocks at your face until it falls off? or something else? :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

Verdana kicks Times New Romans butt :stuck_out_tongue:

I click on the character button (character options > only > “and these characters” ). How should I enter in the characters I want to embed? With commas, with spaces, …???

Ain’t there an easier way than doing all this? There should be an actionscript that embeds all the characters you have used throughout the whole flash movie.

That is why I always use All Characters… it will embed the entire font so you don’t have to worry about setting specific characters for each box.

You click it for all characters on that one textbox and bam, the entire font is embedded in your movie, and all is well, BUT the embed font feature is not automatically invoked upon all other textboxes because not everyone wants to do that, so you have to choose to embed fonts for all characters on all your textboxes so that Flash knows that that textbox should have the font embedded.

Doing that increases the file size. Embedding only those that you need is more economical.

Yeah, but if you are going to be using multiple characters in multiple textboxes, you are pretty much using up all the characters anyway, so why not just include maybe a few extras that you won’t be using? Or to lessen that you could just do only A-Z, 0-9, and punctuations.

Otherwise… enjoy typing out the letters in the embed characters area :slight_smile:

you just put them all together, like this: %$#,.! for the ones you want to embed

I embeded Aux DotBitC Xtra font and it just made the font look worse. Any letter with a closed area will be filled when i preview the movie.