Excuse me?

Hey sureshot, sorry if you lost all respect for me, but lately I am just getting too tired of all the flame wars or “heated debates” happening on the forum. It gets old real quick. And as I said, it was nothing personal to anyone in particular, it was just a statement about the subject matter that started the “debates”.

I am sorry if I offended you or anyone who replied, but I will not apologize for saying what I said in the first place.

i feel this thread has served its purpose.

Does that mean it’s closed edwin? …I think it does. I’ll post this anyways, and see later.

“Shoot now, ask questions later!”

Anyways, I agree with Lost, and understand his feelings about the flame wars.

If we can keep them under control, Kirupa will be a better place, but if people like Lost don’t step in and do their thing, this place will just be some insulting-land where everyone gets dissed and nobody has fun. I think the way Lost is handling it is very mature and helpful.

And why in god’s name is my post count not moving, it’s starting to un-nerve me.

Wha? I thought edwin locked this.

Anywho… I am going to lock this now. Sureshot and I solved our problem through PMs peacefully. We are good terms again, and basically this was just a “glitch in the matrix” type of deal :wink:

Hey aislin,
The post counts have been frozen only for Random. Posting anywhere else will cause your post count to be incremented appropriately. This is not a signal for Random threads to be posted in other forums instead though =)

Kirupa :blush:

*Originally posted by SureShot *
**He opened it up again to sling an instult and then closed it again. **

No he didn’t. Just for the record, mods can post in threads that have been locked. Only normal members can not post.

Just FYI.