Excuse me?

Lost In Beta: Smart move, how pathetic and childish arguing over gaming systems. So much for the phrase “it’s just a game”.

Dude, what the hell is that? You are calling me pathetic and childish. Listen I have respect for you but it’s not cool calling any of us pathetic or childish. I was asked what my opinions were and I said so. Then when I was attacked I answered back.

Not to mention the thread was closed and you unlocked it to call me and the others in there pathetic and childish.

That’s not cool man. Not at all.

i did not call you pathetic…oh i see. That was lost.

I agree, whats up with the mods recently, geez this place is meant to be fun. :frowning:

  • Soul :s:

sure, its ok man! i think that was said so it didnt aim at just one member (in particular - you know who i mean). I think we both put our views across nicely and correctly!

You had my back sure!


if anybody is confused, check the ps2 v gamecube thread

I am sorry edwin - I just copied what he said - I put “lost:” at the top of it…it’s what he said. I will change it

Yes, I wasn’t aiming anything at one person in particular. I was saying in general. I mean a big flame war over video game systems is childish no?

no, it was a debate Lost

im sure that the mods didnt mean any harm. They have a big job to do with keeping everything in order. and getting rid of post that dont belong on the board. they might be a little stressed out. but dont worry about it, they didnt mean any harm, i suspose.

P.S. i dont mean to be putting words in there mouths, please correct me if i am wrong.

It’s not childish if you dont make it childish.

I really dont think that myself or mario was “childish or pathetic” at all. We stated our points and were called out and replyed. Again - in a nice way - not a flame war manner.

And no I dont think it’s childish. Everyone has been arguing over the war and such latley - is that childish to? People disagree and have arguments - it doesnt matter what the topic is. If you feel strongly about something and want to stand up for it, all the power to you. I just think calling us childish or pathetic was un called for.

*Originally posted by Alex *
**im sure that the mods didnt mean any harm. They have a big job to do with keeping everything in order. and getting rid of post that dont belong on the board. they might be a little stressed out. but dont worry about it, they didnt mean any harm, i suspose.

P.S. i dont mean to be putting words in there mouths, please correct me if i am wrong. **

That’s my point - the Thread was closed.

He opened it up again to sling an instult and then closed it again. Like I said - I respect Lost - he is a great member, but I dont think it was right to say that.

sureshot: we’ve had about a dozen of ps2 vs xbox vs Cube threads and each one ends up being a disaster.

arguing opinions about a war that effects the world and arguing over opinions about a video game system. In comparison yes, I believe the video game system one does seem childish.

Plus what edwin said.

Hey guys!
Actually, the thread was closed because edwin and lost felt that you two were starting to get a little angered in the discussion - I’m sure once both of you cool down, the thread will be re-opened :slight_smile:

After all, both of you do provide valid arguments. Of course, I am a PC gamer so I’m staying out of this! Also there are numerous “which console is better” threads - try searching for them and resuscitating them. You’ll be amazed at how many of the same points in your arguments was already mentioned by other gamers.

Kirupa :cool:

I know vts31 - and I dont blame you for closing it… that’s not what I am upset about.

like i said in one of posts in the debate, i didnt come to the forums to create enemies - but the person in particular took it really to heart , saying he should have known not to let me participate in the debate. Myself and surehot gave our views in a respectfull manner - this showed that everybody in the thread wasnt being childish…

man, this is really starting some problems…

mariofan :m:

Forget it.

You dont seem to get it. I am looking for an apology but I am not going to get. I in no way ment to put war on the same level as a video game system… just tried to prove a point that what is childish to some is important to others.

I miss the days of atari… when everyone came together and played joust…

…or galaga…or galaxian…or another spawn of that game :slight_smile:

i aint trying to start anything, but both topics (war and consoles) can be things that people feel really strongly about. In many ways they are both different, but as a debate they can be similar, and people can react really strongly to them.


yeah, but the games thread has been re-opened =) Any inflammatory remarks may cause them to be closed for a short period again though. All of us here are simply trying the make the forums friendly again - after the devastation last night, most of us have decided to take some drastic measures :pirate: