Lost In Beta: Smart move, how pathetic and childish arguing over gaming systems. So much for the phrase “it’s just a game”.
Dude, what the hell is that? You are calling me pathetic and childish. Listen I have respect for you but it’s not cool calling any of us pathetic or childish. I was asked what my opinions were and I said so. Then when I was attacked I answered back.
Not to mention the thread was closed and you unlocked it to call me and the others in there pathetic and childish.
sure, its ok man! i think that was said so it didnt aim at just one member (in particular - you know who i mean). I think we both put our views across nicely and correctly!
You had my back sure!
if anybody is confused, check the ps2 v gamecube thread
im sure that the mods didnt mean any harm. They have a big job to do with keeping everything in order. and getting rid of post that dont belong on the board. they might be a little stressed out. but dont worry about it, they didnt mean any harm, i suspose.
P.S. i dont mean to be putting words in there mouths, please correct me if i am wrong.
I really dont think that myself or mario was “childish or pathetic” at all. We stated our points and were called out and replyed. Again - in a nice way - not a flame war manner.
And no I dont think it’s childish. Everyone has been arguing over the war and such latley - is that childish to? People disagree and have arguments - it doesnt matter what the topic is. If you feel strongly about something and want to stand up for it, all the power to you. I just think calling us childish or pathetic was un called for.
*Originally posted by Alex *
**im sure that the mods didnt mean any harm. They have a big job to do with keeping everything in order. and getting rid of post that dont belong on the board. they might be a little stressed out. but dont worry about it, they didnt mean any harm, i suspose.
P.S. i dont mean to be putting words in there mouths, please correct me if i am wrong. **
That’s my point - the Thread was closed.
He opened it up again to sling an instult and then closed it again. Like I said - I respect Lost - he is a great member, but I dont think it was right to say that.
arguing opinions about a war that effects the world and arguing over opinions about a video game system. In comparison yes, I believe the video game system one does seem childish.
Hey guys!
Actually, the thread was closed because edwin and lost felt that you two were starting to get a little angered in the discussion - I’m sure once both of you cool down, the thread will be re-opened
After all, both of you do provide valid arguments. Of course, I am a PC gamer so I’m staying out of this! Also there are numerous “which console is better” threads - try searching for them and resuscitating them. You’ll be amazed at how many of the same points in your arguments was already mentioned by other gamers.
like i said in one of posts in the debate, i didnt come to the forums to create enemies - but the person in particular took it really to heart , saying he should have known not to let me participate in the debate. Myself and surehot gave our views in a respectfull manner - this showed that everybody in the thread wasnt being childish…
You dont seem to get it. I am looking for an apology but I am not going to get. I in no way ment to put war on the same level as a video game system… just tried to prove a point that what is childish to some is important to others.
i aint trying to start anything, but both topics (war and consoles) can be things that people feel really strongly about. In many ways they are both different, but as a debate they can be similar, and people can react really strongly to them.
yeah, but the games thread has been re-opened =) Any inflammatory remarks may cause them to be closed for a short period again though. All of us here are simply trying the make the forums friendly again - after the devastation last night, most of us have decided to take some drastic measures :pirate: