This is just an e-mail I sent to the Xbox Magazine. I’m tired of Sony bashers. Took the uncle sam idea of Phil’s and put it into a nintendo style thing.
Dear OXBM,
I am a new Xbox owner, and still a PS2 owner. I bought your magazine in good faith that it would be as good as the competitions (OPM - Official Playstation Magazine). OPM has been around for years (thus the well written, and ‘packed with content’ magazine.) Long before the PS2 even arrived. Your magazine was very impressive, and hopefully your ‘growing’ (mentioned in editor’s message of March Issue) will continue until you are something to compare to OPM. Now that I do own both consoles though, I have the best of both worlds. The only problem is, I find PS bashers all over the place. I cannot stand these rediculous (and stupid) rantings. I want to point out something, all you xbox owners, the x-box wouldn’t exist without Sony. None of you would have your rants, or your sites dedicated to putting Sony down, and a large number of people wouldn’t be employed as they are right now. Sony proved that it was possible to bump into the game market, to take out a chunk of that enormous Nintendo following, to make a good console that people will buy. Sony ripped apart records, and introduced hundreds of games that wouldn’t be around. Half or more of the Xbox titles are just ports of Sony titles, or developers who already planned to make a game for the PS2 decided to put it on the newer platforms as well. Sony made, I repeat, MADE, the gaming industry what it is today. Without it, there would be an obese Mario snacking on your dollars even today, and you would be just dandy, because you wouldn’t know what could have been.
Xbox and PS2 are both fantastic platforms, I like (and use) them both, but until Xbox evolves into something that only time can bring, and fend for itself, the PS2 should never be attacked the way it has been, and likely will continue being. Mind your mouths, Xbox owners.
~Tim Godin