Fading..please help!

Trying to have picture fade in, then out - no problem so far, but can’t get text to fade in over this. How do I do this? Everytime I’ve tried the text just shows up, doesn’t fade. Both are movie clips. Any ideas? This has to be something simple.

You have to embed the text or break it apart.

upload your fla i will do it for you.

Otherwise, assuming you know how to alpha fade, on layer 1 when the image fades away, start the text fading in on layer 2.

It’s pretty simple, if you have no luck upload your fla and i’ll give you a hand :wink:

Yeah, I started the text fading on layer two, but do I have to add action to it to start. I used alpha and it keeps just showing up (text) with no fade. When I play scene hitting return it plays it fine. How do I upload, or any ideas? Thanks

*Originally posted by claudio *
**You have to embed the text or break it apart. **