Fantastic Internet Cup

This is the second webpage I’ve made and the first one completely in Flash. I would really appreciate to get some feedback on it - it’s far from completed but I hope it at least has a distict style.

(I’m not very into writing at forums so don’t be too angry now if something goes wrong…)


well it is certainly distinct! im not too sure what to make of the flash, technically its very nice but your colours and patterns seem somewhat random!

i love your pencil sketch animations, especially the gorilla one…very cool

your site flows even if it is in an orthodox manner but while some might tell you to make what the site is al about clearer, i think the mystery element is fun. im somewhat bewildered by it so do some more on it and ask again!

:stuck_out_tongue: Billy

typo, unorthodox

Thank you very much for your fine opinions.

I’m very glad that you liked my animations, altough I don’t know which one is the gorilla…

You got it absolutely correct about that mystery element thing. The site is not about anything, it’s just (hopefully) a little internet experience so it’s hard to make it clearer.

The colours and patterns, though, aren’t made randomly but carefully. Do you have any idea how I could make them better?

well, i could never make those patterns if asked. i just think you shoudl present them more as artworks.

when you randomly click throught them, it almost makes too little of them as pieces of work in themselves…

the gorilla is the one in the middle, made me laugh

hope this helps

check out

i study at the college, industrial design…but these guys do experimental things with web and computer based applications…it might interest you


Your work reminds me a lot of a combination of Jemma Gura and James Patterson. You ever hear of them? If not…

Jemma Gura - (though her current site does not reflect what i’m talking about here, she does a lot recursive patterns and tiles and her last site you had to click through them like you do on yours, this was a long time ago)

James Patterson - (the sketch style animations)

Now before you go thinking im saying your copying people, because i’m not… I want to clarify and say that I think it is good that you are going out and being original doing your own thing in your own artistic way. Typically when trying that, you aren’t going to get good reviews, because well… sometimes art and functionality dont mix :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you very much for the link, I’m already interested.

Oh, so that was the gorilla. It makes me glad to hear that you laughed seeing it.

And I see what you mean now by “random”. I’m working on a better system right now.

And please, visit the site again the nearest days, it will probably change quite dramatically until it’s finished.

After surfing the two webpages you linked me to, I think that your view of Fantastic Internet Cup align very well with my intentions. But my intentions, though, isn’t to make art, as these two - not yet, at least.

Correct me if I’m wrong but these two seem to be professionals living on their works? At least they’ve got long lists of work in their archives…

Those 2 are indeed professionals who live off their work.