ok, I know a BIT of flash (just tweening… no actionsript) so if someone ca help me…
I’ve seen on some sites, text comes in… and it moves really fast in one position, but moves a couple of pixels from side to side… kind of like, a bee zooms in, and then moves around, and zooms out… got it?
how do I do this. lol, i cant remember sites that have them, so I will look around some more, if oyu know what im talkig about, help!
The more space between the first key frame and the last will make it a slow tween. So to speed it up just use less frames between. To make things jump around add key frames without the tween and move each key frame to a different position. Again, the less space between each key frame will make it move fast
…the higher the framerate, the better your animation will look…always remember that if you want things to move fast yet smoothly…go for something around 40-50
those framerates are the ones that tax the processor and gets people complaining that their CPU is running at 100% from a Flash movie
30 fps will do that - even ones less.