Jaws gave me nightmares for years…
I saw it in the front row (we snuck in since I was about 10 or so), and when that head comes out of the hole in the boat, it landed in my lap…
freaked my po lil psyche out…
Jaws gave me nightmares for years…
I saw it in the front row (we snuck in since I was about 10 or so), and when that head comes out of the hole in the boat, it landed in my lap…
freaked my po lil psyche out…
Ghost of Mars was hysterical! The Ring was ok… it was entertaining, but not scary… they definately could have done better. But I think the whole point of that movie was to be creepy and not an all out scream fest…
The scariest movie I have ever see was “Pet Cemetery.” The only reason it was scary is because I was forced to watch it when I was 6 years old by my older sister.
Never saw the Thing… “IT” was scary only because I am terrified of clowns. The book was better, but the end was kind of corny… but then again I am more terrified of spiders so that was kind of scary…
OH YEAH!! ARACHNOPHOBIA!! I didn’t spell it right, but the backspace key on my keyboard doesn’t work… Crappy computer. That movie was the scariest thing ever! Such a corny movie, but I was so scared cuz of the spiders…
was PI scary? it kindof freaked me out.
ATTACK OF THE KILLER TOMATOES! that must be by far the wo0rst movie known to mankind. psht. its not really blood. its ketchup. seriously its really a movie.
silence of the lambs scared me. so did a nightmare before christmas(non religious)
OOOH! outbreak was kindof freaky too.
If you want to talk about creepy, seriously f*ed up movies, then Requiem For A Dream, PI, and Muhallond Drive are the three to watch…
exactly. PI was weird stuff. so was the shining.
mmmm…stanley kubrick…
Muhuland Drive was WEEEAKK. Sorry man… I’m a Lynch fan, I didn’t like that one of his.
I’d say that a horror movie is anything that produces terror in you. That’s why Alien, thought it’s a scifi peice, most certainly is also horror. So yeah PI is a horror movie. I think that it freaked me out pretty badly the first time I saw him pick up the drill in the end. Once you realize what he’s doing.
Speaking of the ring. If you’ve seen it… rent “Fear.com” and watch it carefuly. Tell me if it isn’t a complete rip off of the ring.
I did actually like the ring a lot… I thought it was a good story… it just didn’t produce terror in me. ah well.
i want my 160 posts back
grr. i dont know if it was scary but AMADEUS really disturbed me.
lol any one remember children of the corn? i only saw them when i was still in 2nd grade. it scared me crazy. but i want to know if its scary?=)
haha the one with the big knife stick thing?
like that kindof? yea it was stupid. i mean come one. corn dont have children.
yes they do. they start off as seeds. lol=)
thas what they want you to think…
I love all horror movies…cheesy or not.
I am partial to the Friday the 13th series
i can see by your footer. lol:P
I was not a big fan of Children of the Corn… but it is interesting that the black fungus which is responisble for their delusions is a very real substance. It can cause instanity if consumed in large enough quantities.
Salem witch trials anyone? (in reference to Davids comment about the fungus)
I’m not a big fan of horror movies (I get scared in the dark :P) Anyhoo, Signs seemed like a good movie.
i just ordered that last night on ppv. i saw it for the second time. i was laughing through the movie, and my parents where looking at me like i was crazy=) :crazy:
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