House on haunted hill?

this movie is really scary. im in my room with all the lights off and im scared out of my mind!:!:

That movie is weak, there is only one scene that was kinda scary and that was after that chick with the camera died.

I saw it in the movie theater when it came out and it was a disappointment. ;(

hey, here we go again, acting like mr big shot. mr. im not scared of anything.


The only movie that really scared me was “IT” and the first “Excorsist”. Now those are scary movies. :!:

IT was cool. i hate clowns:phil: :chinaman: :evil: C:-) :beam:

I wasn’t scared at all during house on haunted hill.

Was it the one where the stone lion ate the guys head? that was a pretty cool part. not scary, but cool.

IT was scary right until the end when IT turned out to be a giant spider. then it was just bull****.

i love setphen king movies.=)

the movie version of IT was the first encounter with Stephen King
I ever had…been in love with being scared by him ever since.

IT is by far, the scariest movie ever because it preys on normal,
everyday things that COULD be frightening.

clowns & balloons? I mean, really? who isn’t afraid of a clown
now? I know I am… :blush:


*Originally posted by UNFLUX *
**the movie version of IT was the first encounter with Stephen King
I ever had…been in love with being scared by him ever since.

IT is by far, the scariest movie ever because it preys on normal,
everyday things that COULD be frightening.

clowns & balloons? I mean, really? who isn’t afraid of a clown
now? I know I am… :blush:

:goatee: **

I have always been terrified of clowns. How the heck can people find them amusing? They are scary as hell!!!

I was first afraid of them… then saw IT, and well… put me near a clown and watch the action as I flip out and kick his arse! (or curl up in a corner and cry and beg for mercy)

OH YAH! well - my mom liked to collect clown stuff so we had dolls and pictures and trinkets and everything around the house. Then I saw the movie “IT”

I can remember not wanting to be in our living room alone at night - those **** things scared the crap outta me for years. I still get shivers thinking about how I used to belive that they were a looking at me and following me around the room… shivers

House on Haunted Hill SUCKED! I agree w/ EG, the olnh semi scary part was when the girl w/ the camera got killed. When she looks back into the camera and they look up at her. but other than that…very weak

*Originally posted by SureShot *
**OH YAH! well - my mom liked to collect clown stuff so we had dolls and pictures and trinkets and everything around the house. Then I saw the movie “IT”

I can remember not wanting to be in our living room alone at night - those **** things scared the crap outta me for years. I still get shivers thinking about how I used to belive that they were a looking at me and following me around the room… shivers **

My sister had a My Buddy doll when we were little. It was her favorite toy, until we saw the chuckie movies. Who was an evil doll designed after the My Buddy dolls. Needless to say she ran upstairs threw her My Buddy doll down the steps and made my dad get rid of him right away.

I feel your pain my man… :slight_smile: