Favorite Horror Movie?

my favorite was that movie called “VIRUS” its where robots take over a russian ship. its pretty good. any one see it?

alex, you don’t have to regain all your posts in 20 minutes… slow down buddy, breathe…

lol im just trying to start up some conversations. it seems like no one is here.=)

My favorite is “IT,” gotta love clowns. :evil:

it’s just us for now…
just like my forum!:frowning:

OOO that movie rocks! it scared the living )&*9 out of me the first time i saw it.;(

shawshank redemtion
I do have so many favorites though.

that’s not really a horror movie…

oh oops…I guess I just did’nt read THE ENTIRE TITLE!:hangover:

sorry about that…umm…Can’t think of a fav. horror! ah, sorry

Shawshank Redemption is not a horror movie… :trout:

And Virus is pretty weak, I thought. How about “The thing”? Oh, and did anyone see “Ghost of Mars”? I laughed my *** off during that one :stuck_out_tongue:

shawshank redemption is a good movie tho

i have to agree there=)

actually, any of the early hellraisers scare the “hell” (hehe) out of me. But…I havent watched one since I was little…so, they might not be that good. I just remember being VERY VERY scared.

Hellraiser is quite a comical movie if you watch it now. A bit like the Leprechaun series. Chucky, on the other hand, remains VERY scary…

Yeah chucky was pretty good, but the last one called Chucky’s Bride or something like that was lame. :-\

they where scary when i was 4-5 but then it got old and wasnt scary=)

They all get lame at some point. Freddy, Scream, Hellraiser…

*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**Yeah chucky was pretty good, but the last one called Chucky’s Bride or something like that was lame. :-\ **

yes, very lame

I like the clasics… I just saw “the ring” recently and was very disapointed. I liked Blare Witch, but only while I still thought it was a real set of reels taken from the earth. As soon as I knew it was fake the entire mystique was gone.

“John Carpenter’s The thing” and “Alien” are my two favorites.

Yeah, The Ring was a big disappointment for me too. :-\

I heard that the Japanese version of it is a lot better, but it’s too late now since I already know the story…:-\