Favorite Sport

Well that’s how it is with us Jaz … We don’t understand rugby or cricket - hey, I’m even baffled by it!

You know what REALLY blows my mind? HURLING! Is it lacrosse, is it rugby, is it “soccer” … what is it?! It looks like every sport known to man all wrapped up into one!!

Isn’t that the sport with brooms and ice and that’s kind of like shuffle board, no wait I’m thinking of curling.

yeah dude … Curling has the ice and brooms and all. They ripped off the Italian game of Bocce Ball.

But Hurling, they have these strange, goofy looking flat-headed sticks they use like a baseball bat kinda, with a soccer net that has huge uprights, and a goalie. I think if you hit the ball into the net you get 2 points, and 1 for putting it between the uprights. It’s a goofy looking sport!

College football starts in 9 days. Best sport on the face of the earth (yes, even better than badmitton and frisbee). Watch that.

*Originally posted by NaliWarCow *
**College football starts in 9 days. Best sport on the face of the earth **

I couldn’t agree more! NCAA football is the best. The rivalries, the upsets, the emotion … there’s nothing like it!

One word “[SIZE=3]Bowling[/SIZE]” no sport like it the only sport that the more drunk you are the better you play!! and it doesn’t matter what shape you are in you will still play good!!