Non-Geek Hobbies

Yes we know you are a geek. You’re here on Kirupa[COLOR=orangered].com[/COLOR] and if you’re like me you spend way too much time here.

So what things do you like to do that are not geek related? Like I can think off the top of my head RegGolgi likes to fish…

Just trying to get to know the world, one random person at a time.

[COLOR=orangered]** Edit **I remembered that’s his name and the sentence is a little weird without the .com[/COLOR]

I play football everyday. >train taekwondo…

run, and swim every weak (-:
with friends

I like to not be on kirupaforums, play guitar, soccer, football wit de boyz, drink, call my peeps, fall asleep to music, drive anywhere my car takes me, lounge.

deal pot (very true!) :stuck_out_tongue:

smokes up at least twice a day, pimps at night, goes back and smokes some more, deals on free time…


who edited my post :bad: :stuck_out_tongue:

I also play football (proper English football, that is). And pool. :beam:

oh yeah, (real) pool is another one of my favorites.

kit, ya wanna play pool? (yahoo)

Kit what do you mean about

proper english football ? (-:

I play soccer (or football) occasionally, and pool too… those are the only non-geek things i can think of :slight_smile:

By proper English football, I mean what Americans call ‘soccer’. :slight_smile:

I play right midfield. :beam:

It seems that there’s a bit of confusion with soccer and football. To me, soccer and football is the same. Some of you see soccer as the sport with the round ball, and football with the pointy (mostly brown) ball. Well, what is football to you guys, is called “rugby” to me :beam:

Hope I didn’t create any more confusion :stuck_out_tongue:

american football and rugby are two different things (i used to think they were the same, too) :slight_smile:

arg skateboard… and some times i head to the gym to train my herculess god like body… :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes football, futbol, soccer… it’s all very confusing.

I play Proper English football on an indoor and outdoor men’s league teams.

I’m also a bit of a fitness nut. I work out everyday or so and know what I eat. Like you know all those nutrition facts on the side of the package… yeah I read that stuff.

I do sprint distance triathlons.

I surf when I can. (Ocean is required, not keyboard)

neat thread!
I play guitar - just got a twelve string a couple days ago!!
I play Ice Hockey - Ironic because I live in the desert of Arizona
I play keyboard - started in 8th grade
I hit the bar - on the weekends
I sometimes play foozball - I used to like everyday in 99.
Golden Tee - video golf - just as addicting as
Watch airplanes - I know it’s dumb, but I found this place at the end of the runway where the planes are so low you can hit them with a rock (never tried, I think that would be real stupid!!).
Cook - I like making Itialian food - good stuff
Xbox - now that I won that Xbox, I’m addicted to that too - but that is kinda geekee huh.
Work on cars - not so much a hobby, but a crappy car that I have to fix quite often, but I enjoy it. :crazy:
Write books - I’ve only written one, but I plan to write more.
Bartend - It’s a job and a hobby and takes away some of the geekiness.
Girls - what can I say, I’m a scorpio…:stuck_out_tongue:
Massage - an old girlfriend tried to get me to go to the school because she said that I was good at it, but never did; I guess I can consider that a hobbie?..but I don’t do men…
Roadtrips!! - Living in Phoenix, you go on a lot of roadtrips to San Diego, LA beaches, Las Vegas, Flagstaff AZ(snow), and Mexico.

I think that’s it. Whew.

I don’t have any non geek hobbies…

Oh wait! I like to mountian bike, and go driving on the weekends. (When I am not at work) =)


heehee, plays with footer pic

ok freddy reminded me of a few.

Writing: I write screenplays (4 in progress, 0 complete) Short Stories, Poetry.

Karaoke: Yeah that’s right. I’m not afraid to say it.

Street Biking is fun. I play badminton a lot. Just got off the varsity team because I graduated. Soccer, especially at midnight in the local park. Beach a lot. San Diego is good for that. Hang out with friends, see movies (all of my friends work at AMC so I get in free :slight_smile: ) play lots of N64, sleep and eat. The last 2 are my favorite.

i like to ride my bike, and go to the gym (when im ont being lazy). Most of the time im busy getting into some drama with girls :beam:

In my non-geek time which is pretty much when I’m not at work I like to:

Party, ride my bike, hit the gym, paintball, drive around in da Pimp mobile (sorta like the batmobile but bettah) (waits for soul to draw a picture;)), and ride dirt bikes.