Feedback NEEDED, and a taxing question

tired sleep Ragew0lf writes:

Hi guys,

firstly, I have created an intro that will be used on 22mil hit site I would like some feedback on it. Whether you like it basically:

and any improvments you would recommend excluding:

Replay Button
More Quotes
Different Proportions
Smaller File Size

The link is:

If the final video comes in out of time it is YOUR computer. Mine lags too :slight_smile:

Secondly my question. I have used the following script in the preloader :

loadedbytes = _root.getBytesLoaded();

totalbytes = _root.getBytesTotal();

loadedkbytes = Math.round ( loadedbytes/1024 ) + " Kb";

totalkbytes = Math.round ( totalbytes/1024 ) +" Kb";

frame = Math.round (loadedbytes/ (totalbytes/100 ) )  + "%";

percent = Math.round (loadedbytes/ (totalbytes/100 ) ) ;

if (loadedbytes == totalbytes && totalbytes! =  0 ) {



However it calculates the KB in the movie as 740kb, this is INOCORRECT, the .swf is only 630kb, so its got 110kb from somewhere…my question is where?

I would guess it has something to do with video compression in flash and it doesn’t discount it or something (just a guess).

I am aware 630kb is large for a .swf file, please note that firstly :

I may well alter some aspects to bring the file size down;

and secondly a larger file size is not a huge problem because users can view all other areas of the site while the movie continues to download.

Help and feedback appreciated!


sweet! ur making an intro for one of my frequently visited sites! well, i used to frequently visit it b4 anyways, not so much anymore =)

Tupac fans united in the kirupa forum! :rambo: (kirupa needs a tupac bandana smiley!). I guess we’ll have to wait for better dayz when the whole wold likes tupac, by the way, i’ve heard most of those songs before a long ass time ago before they were even on the CD! But I like the new remixes!

I’m not a Tupac fan myself (just not my kinda music. I prefer lots of loud guitar :slight_smile: ) but this was pretty cool. The one thing I would say is that the preloader thing is a little confusing since you have to mouse over the little arrow to see it. Might make a few people think it’s just hanging. And you actually have to click on the arrow to start it it. I dunno. Basically, if you just look at it, it seems like it’s hanging.

thanks for the comments, well those of you who left them…
we certainly need a Tupac smiley!