I built this site on a mac using templates, learning flash on the way. Because it contains some video (the final site will have a lot more) I created it at 30 fps.
The site requires flash player 6+ and should redirect those who dont have it
Should the page transitions be a bit faster?
Does the video player (event > samples) center ok? - it wont for me in safari 1.0 but does in later (g4) versions
Is the video footage too dark/light on pc/mac?
Do the text titles jitter as they slide in? They do on my ibook but not on my desktop
Looks like you’ve got a good grasp on building a site, now I would jsut recommend going back and working on the design. It looks very clipart-ish, like everything was selected from prebuilt modules and slapped together. Work on giving the site it’s own look.