Site check pleeeeeeeease :)

Hi Everyone, New to the Kirupa forums, currently doing the rounds on a few forums trying to get constructive criticism on my site.

Any comments will be appreciated!

Cheers everyone.

Excite Media

Feels a bit clunky what FPS are you using?

30 FPS.

It’ll probably be because theres quite a bit going on on screen at once…slowdown.

Shouldn’t make a difference unless the connection is slow or I’m running a P120 32 Mb ram… Which I’m not!

Hmmmmm i dont know then!

Currently on an ‘average’ server but will be moving to mediatemple soon. Woo.

Which bits do you think feel clunky if i may ask?

the top and bottom sliding up and down to meet each other, somehow doesn’t feel seemless. It sort of has a mechanical feel to it but not the smoothness!

Yeah you are right!

I’ll have a go will fiddle about with tweens and easing, maybe even higher the fps.

Cheers for your comments on that.

Any other problems/ dislikes with it, dont hesitate to rip it apart! lol

*Originally posted by Neo-Excite *
**Any other problems/ dislikes with it, dont hesitate to rip it apart! lol **

Don’t do that its too destructive. I do sport coaching and have seen too many people self destruct from corruptive critacism.

There more to a site than the end product there’s the concept. The concept may be superb but the delivery not exactly matching the concept. Ideas have no bounds there are limitations in the physcial or logical!

I think thats the case here. Just needs a few tweaks, the construct is there just the overlayers need some attention

it looks great, although it feels like it’s taking too long to load, also, maybe start preloading all of the parts at the same time instead of individually, because it took forever for the site to be “fully functional”. And maybe make the text a little larger, it’s not hardly readable. Plus, on your home page, you should write enter on the = sign, it took me a while to figure out how to get in.

Ok, thanks very much for your comments, theyre very helpful!

Need a big “ENTER HERE” sign as opposed to a really big logo / image just to be on the safe side tee hee

Hehe yeah i’ll stick it up in big flashing neon lights…

only kiddin :smiley:

may be it’ll be better if you use the pixel font of the content for navigation buttons.
The mailing list e-mail input field needs a valid e-mail verification script.
And when scrolling the project lists on portfolio the white left border also scrolls up

yeah, I feel that the design is great, but the remake of it in flash is not effective. The animations are just too weak for such a great layout. Plus, it was lagging on my comp too.

Although its lovely, I agree the font needs to change, also the fact that the time doesn’t really fit in the box you provided (GMT) kinda bothered me, also it lagged for me on a T1. You are definatly on the right track though =) I LOVED THE WATER how did you do that?

oh i also dont know if you did this on purpose or not but when the wall blows up it appeared kinda pixely i dont know how to put it

lastly, i found the fact that you have a scroll bar kinda unneccesary

You don’t see many of these comments but on Mac it’s messed up. I know there aren’t as many Mac ppl but, I myself use both Mac and PC and on the Mac you see a big fat green box all over the place. Mainly in IE and Netscape seems fine in Safari. And it’s not just my Mac as I have tried it on 3 others as well. Anyway, here is a few links for you too look at the SS I took so you can see what I see.

I normally would say it’s due to use of a transparent movie but in your coding I didn’t see the transparency tag.

Site looks good though. Maybe change font and boost up FPS.

Oh man that looks terrible, never known anything like that…any ideas what it could be?

Thanks for taking those screenshots.

Out of interest, everyone is saying about the font. Im assuming you mean the small pixel font?

  1. If everyone is saying what I’m saying we think you should make your navigation buttons’ text the same pixel font you’re using every where else. You got this “high tech” website w/ a big clunky font for navigation.

  2. Maybe take out a couple values in the coding may help…

try deleting:
<PARAM NAME=“bgcolor” VALUE="">

and also again below where it shows bgcolor=

Neither of these are defining a value so 1 they aren’t necessary and 2 may cause the problem I’m seeing.

Yep you’re right. Absolutley no need for them.

Im hoping thats solved that problem. Thanks for noting that and helping!

Thats the first feedback ive had from a mac user, so im glad you were very helpful by taking screenshots.

i loved it, i dont have any comments other then the ones already posted, but it was really cool, good job