Finally, A Picture

Its something you have to get if you are planning on traveling, but I don’t think its a required item (unless your traveling).

only 6% of the populous of the US owns a passport…


requiring a national id of any sort other than SS is considered in violation of a person’s constitutional rights. (though technicaly I think the SS card is a violation as well.)

I think 99% of the French have one :-\ Anyway, don’t you guys have identity cards? Driver’s licences? Library cards?

I don’t have my state ID yet, though it would be really good for me to get that soon :blush:

Driver license… nope, don’t know how to drive, don’t have a car to practice on.

Library card… yeah, but that doesn’t have an ID photo in it, just a bar code.

What is a liberty card?

as I said Pom… a nationaly mandated id card is a viloation of the constitution. With so many of us paranoid about our government, you’ll find few will voluntarily submit to a card of any sort.

david: he said library card :stuck_out_tongue:

And aren’t state IDs mandatory? Or are they just mandatory for some places, but the state doesn’t make them mandatory? I know I haven’t gotten in trouble for not having one. My old High School ID works just fine :stuck_out_tongue: (the one we had to scan through a machine to get into school, to go through the metal detector then slide our belongings through an x-ray machine… heh)

lol. me bad…

state id’s manditory? nope… not according to the consitution, and that’s a federal mandate.

Oh ok, so they are STATE mandataroy, but they are mandatory for certain places and to be able to do certain things, which makes that completely legal.

I don’t believe so. I’d have to look it up, but I believe if any government agency requires you to have an id of any sort, it’s against your consitutional rights.

as I said though… they obviously force us to have Social Security numbers which I believe is a violation.

All right, I’ll use the picture you posted :slight_smile:

Im not talking government places. You need an ID to get alcohol, to buy certain things, so sign up for certain places, etc. The governments way of making it required without actually making it required. Tricky eh?

And yeah, Social Security numbers I feel are a violation as well.

oh… yeah… well that’s not a “required” card because you don’t have to choose to buy alcohol. :slight_smile: But you’re right… it’s a tricky way of getting you to get an id.

One thing to keep in mind when signing up for colleges. A lot of them will try to convince you that you MUST use your SS number as a student number for your Student ID. That is false and it is against the law for them to force you to use that number.

Hmm, I did not know that, but it’s not like any of the colleges I applied to accepted me anyway :frowning: But good tip there, I will remember that when I get up some more money and decide to go back to school.

coo pic. i like your tattoo
Thanks. :slight_smile: I’ve always wanted one for some bizarre reason, and there was a place that did them near where I used to work in Hammersmith. Kept putting it off though until I went past one lunchtime and thought “Right, I’m getting it done”. Hurt a little, but healed really quickly. Should I get a passport picture of this too? :slight_smile:

And thanks for the comment David. :slight_smile: I’m guessing that when I’m 30 and looking 25 I will be grateful for looking younger than I am. If I get a more recent picture Ill post that up sometime… Maybe even change the one on the

On the subject of ID, they’ve been talking about introducing compulsory ID cards over here, to try and cut down on bebefit fraud, but the human rights activists are up in arms. :-\

Personaly I don’t think that it’s a terrible idea. I understand why the American founding fathers chose to address the issue, but I’m not sure that they could have imagined what the world would be like now.
I guess I’m up in the air on the issue. I’d have to hear more arguements from both sides of the fence before I felt like I could express a true opinion on the matter.

On the subject of tatoos… I’ve always wanted one on the back of my neck, just below the collar line so that it wont show if I wear a dress shirt… (yeah I know that’s supposed to hurt really bad)… so far though I haven’t found a design that I want to have on me forever.

Yeah. :slight_smile: I wanted one that wouldn’t show all the time too. So I went with it on my stomach. You can only see it if I’m wearing low cut trousers and short tops. So it’s not showing at work or anything.

Personally I don’t think having a national ID card would be infringing on human rights at all. I think that argument gets used way too often these days. It’s not really much different from carrying round any other form of ID, like a passport or a driving licence.

I should probably open a new thread for the pictures, don’t you think?


That words are not Japanese Kanji alone… That can be viewed by Chinese or Korean who are from the countries where they use old Chinese characters… Cute one though… and I guess you have found out the just right word for you… I am sure it must have hurt some… :wink:


It sure will hurt… I already have quite a bit all over my body… Done by my puppies… No artificial ones yet… :beam:


Todays lecture tells you not to drink any alcohol… Alcohol is bad for you… :beam: None of the school(IL, GA) I went to have used SSN for the school ID though… I am sure some does that though… Well… I don’t even have it listed in my driver’s license… (I got to be asked if I wanted to when I created on ein VA and said NO…)

I have some from my dog too. There is a lesson there. Never let your dog do your tattoo. :slight_smile:

(in case anyone is wondering, I’m talking about scars left from my pet’s playful antics. I can only hope that’s what cyan is talking about as well. :stuck_out_tongue: )

Well Kit… I guess when it comes to our constitution we Americans would like to find any alternative other than changing it, first. Once those possibilities are used up, then we’re pretty much ok with the idea. On principal… I don’t think we should have one… but I recognise that changes in the world can necessitate a change in our founding documentation. A national id card may be the only answer to many of our problems. It could cause some too though… always we have to watch the slippery slope…