Oh, yes… Never let your dog do your tattoo… Especially if it were to be applied to your tender skin… Yes… Sometimes my puppies love to scratch abit forcefully… :beam:
and I guess you have found out the just right word for you… I am sure it must have hurt some…
It did hurt a bit, but not too bad.I think I mentioned my reasoning for this particular design earlier in the thread… But it was just the one I wanted. Kind of my name, kind of a description (haha) and all that…
Yes, your highness… (Yes… I’ve read your reply…)
No matter what, I don’t think I can have tattoo on my body… I could get a surgery, but not the tattoo… I think I’m too scared??? :beam:
lol… me too Cyan… me too. I’m also aware of a religious belief in Asia that states that one should not peirce or tatoo their body, or in any other way permanently alter it’s form. As a budhist I have to do some more looking into that idea. I might screw up my Chi or something.
Hm… Dunno… I know that we have this kind of Confucius style old saying that goes with ‘not to harm their body or hair since they are from the parents…’ In other words, that goes like ‘take a good care of what you got from your parents as if they are the parents…’ something like that… (Btw, I am Korean… ;)) But Budhism… I don’t know… Maybe I’ll ask my mom when I get a chance to call her later on…
Personally I draw the line at plastic surgery of any kind unless it was reconstruction after an accident or something.
I reckon you should make the best of what you’ve been given. I like my pierced ears and my tattoo, I think they enhance my body. I dunno. Anyone who chooses not to alter their body in any way has my full respect. As do people who indulge in piercings etc. If you feel that’s what you want to do, then that’s good.
But why people feel the need to fill themselves full of silicone in the name of self esteem is beyond me. :sigh:
Ah. Yes. How silly of me.
*Originally posted by CyanBlue *
Todays lecture tells you not to drink any alcohol… Alcohol is bad for you… :beam:**
I very rarely ever drink (labor day weekend wooo hooo!! :beam: )
But then, drinking sometimes helps you sleep better…
Who needs sleep. Sleep is way over-rated.
If you say so…
Nice pic!
*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**And well if it helps, my sister is 21 and only 5’1"**
Hm, I never know how to read those ’ and " thingies.
Anyway, I’m 21 and I’m 1,95 meters. According to
this site that’s 76,77150 inches… And no, I don’t play basketball.
’ means “feet” and " means “inches”
so 5’1" says 5 feet 1 inch.
Accorind to that site my sister is 1.52400 Meters.
inches, feets, yards… sucks! :x
metric sistem rules! =)
plz, don´t slap me :trout:
Perhaps I would agree, if I grew up on that system, I hear its better, but we don’t use it often here. At least not for everyday use.