Hey all,
I wanted to start earning some money by creating some small sites for shops etc…
But what attracts normal ppl on the web, motion, so I decided to try to make a full flash site.
I’d like to get some tips to improve the site, never worked with flash before and it turned out to be harder than I tought…
Things I know I still have to do
more transitions (gets boring after a while)
get some sounds in it
lose the current annoying sound
I’m hoping that I embedded al fonts but I’m not 100 % sure,
anyone got a tip about how I could check this ?
Figure out which fonts you used, open up your windows/fonts folder and drag the ones you used out onto the desktop, take a look at the movie, then drag the fonts back in. pretty simple, not sure if there’s another way to do it…
pretty nice design! I don’t think the transitions you have get annoying, i like them a lot. I like the whole news page, good design. The only thing I don’t like is when you rollover the buttons, “ATX design” wiggles, but it’s reeaaally slow or needs more frames because it looks funny. Good job.:thumb:
good trans, good mixture of colors but whats with you and people with white bgs? White bgs arent the way to go im afraid, if you do use it, you need to balance it. Use a color bg if possible. Bgs should usually be the darker color than the rest of the site and the movie white of something as it draws your eyes to the center.
About the slo mo ATX design wiggle, just tested the site on a slower pc and it showed the same slomo behaviour there, guess that I’m using to many movieclips with altered alpha values at once…
MINIMALISTIK, thx for the tip, I’m gonna try some more bg colour combinations
Gonna start looking for some sounds so I can work on,
I’d sort that text out and make the menu tabs a little smaller, oh yeah are setting the font to its recomended pixel size because it looks as though your font is on 10 pixels.
The transitions can still be good all you need to do is speed the animations up or alternatively you can up the frame speed of your movie be careful though cos this will change the speed of everything.
Try using a few more images on your site apart from the post it notes, the nav, and and image on another page there was nothing. Sometimes you think your site is ‘empty’ because you have a lot of free space so I’d look into that to give your site a more wholesome look.
checked the fonts, all pixel fonts are really size 8 as they where supposed to,
added some sort of text transition on the news swf,
speeded up the transitions a bit and added a sound + a bit of glare under the info section (if you click an item)
thx for the tips
Still searching for what could’ve caused the error that MrMass pointed out,
I am using flash behaviours ( mx.behaviors.DepthControl.bringToFront(this); ) on the post it’s, not sure if it is supported by flash6 and I also exported for flash7 so that could’ve been causing the problems, if anyone get’s similar errors, please let me know, also mention your flash player version if possible…