First Site In Flash (MX)

Keej, actually, it’s the second time I post here, but my thread and loginname seemed to be suddenly disappeared…

First: 2 sites… One 's kinda finished, the other one is a Project I am working on for School, and I want you to tell me what U think of it…

  1. Project Cinema: SchoolProject:

Project Cinema

  1. Gambling Game

  1. Still working on it… This actually is the first time I use Flash… But I 've drawn comic books from since I was a little boy, and I think U may recognize some of it in it… It should look like a movietheatre, but I am working on connection with a DataBase (PHPscripts are already written)… Tell me what U think of it, please… I get rated 4 it in school too, so I need to know if I am doing things right…

  2. Gambling Game I made couple of days ago… It’s connected with a database, but that server isn’t too stable, so I hope U get to see the scorelist…

NOTE: Actually I am Dutch, which U (=you, but I like it the shorter way) may have noticed already, so the sites I made are in Dutch, but U should easily understand them, because my SchoolProject for example, contains mostly animations and my Game is so easy to understand even your 6-years old sister should understand it ;)…

Please leave comments, and don’t delete my Threads and Accounts anymore…

Kim Debroye-20-Belgium

Please post something…

Ok - the first one is pretty cool - I like the sounds but you need a pre-loader (I didnt see one so I assume it’s not there) The animation is pretty good and you seem to know how to draw cartoons pretty well :slight_smile:

One question - is something supposed to come up on the screen because nothing did for me and I tried clicking on the speakers but nothing came up. You are doing very well with it - I would like to see it when it’s finished for sure.

As for the second one - Ihave no idea what to do because I dont speak “freaky deakey dutch” hahaha :slight_smile:

seriously - I had no idea what to I do, I put in some numbers… that’s as far as I got :slight_smile:

Mmm, normally it should have a preloader, perhaps I uploaded the wrong version, but I have more then 10 different copies of it :slight_smile:

I will upload the right version soon…

How about the user-interface, is it good? (the TheatreProject)

PS: As 4 the 2nd one (the game)… Put in some numbers in the 3 boxes and a “raise” (box to the right) (is that the right word, correct me if I’m wrong…)… Then press “Gok” (==“Spin the numbers”) and try to have the same numbers inserted as the ones generated… If the inserted numbers are equal to the generated ones, your total credit raises by a formula calculated from your raise… If U think U have a HighScore, press “Collect” and U will be taken to the scorelist, where U may enter your name if U have a HighScore…

But it loads very slow, the FlashGame, because of a slow ( free :slight_smile: )server…

??? It has a PreLoader…

But it’s only 500 Kb, it loads quickly here too (3,3 Mb/s)…

Correct me if I’m wrong, then I’ll upload the right version…

500k is a lot and not everyone has a fast connection. some people who still have a 56k modem will probably leave the site before it even loads. you should always have a preloader no matter what the size of the site is (unless it’s about 20k :wink: ).
but other than that, i like it. it’s original which you don’t see too often.

*Originally posted by Dj.Stigma *
**500k is a lot and not everyone has a fast connection. some people who still have a 56k modem will probably leave the site before it even loads. you should always have a preloader no matter what the size of the site is (unless it’s about 20k :wink: ).
but other than that, i like it. it’s original which you don’t see too often. **

It has a PreLoader, hasn’t it??? Because I can’t check that b’cause my FlashMovie is always cached…
I’ll upload the correct version, the one with the preloader tp be sure, once I come home…

Please give me some more feedback…

I have a small problem…
When U go to the section “Links” (Project Cinema), Flash loads variables in the textfield, BUT the scrollbar doesn’t work the first time… On the other hand, when U go back to “HoofdScherm” and U re-enter the “Links”-Section, the scrollbar is working… How I can I fix the problem, so that the scrollbar works when U enter the first time…

Yes, it has a preloader.

Emm, strange, first site is larger but it loads twice faster than second one =)

*Originally posted by Lynx *
**Yes, it has a preloader.

Emm, strange, first site is larger but it loads twice faster than second one =)


They do not run on the same server… The one with the game is very slow…

Hahahha! Thats cool. I looked at your movie theator one. Thats really cool! Must have taken a long time to make considering you have all those drawings.


Took me about 3 days to make the drawings… But I like doing it…
Thx 4 the feedback anyway :slight_smile: