I’m working on the layout for my first website, its going to be for my band. Please check it out and give me some suggestions on where to go with it. None of the buttons or anything work yet, i just have one page up for now as a test. I’m looking for some suggestions on how to add more flash. I’m also not sure what to put above the main picture. Right now i jsut have the website address, but i want something n the top right corner too. Any color suggestions? I also want help witht he text. Right now its set at Arial 10 font for the text in the news box. What would work best for this? Thanks for the help everyone
i would try to make the text of the news easier to read, it’s kind of difficult to focus on the text. Maybe u could try to put a background where the text of the box appear…
but the pic is pretty fun
and what about making the pic fit in a border table?
anyways keep up the good work
i can only agree
the contrast of the text is too low !
but keep up that good work !!!
would it matter if you made the background transpart becuase i think that woul look good and it would be easier to read text