First site (not done yet)

This is the first site i made. It’s not finished yet, but I want your opinions on it. Thx a lot!!!

Okay just because this is your first site doesn’t mean I’m going easy on you, I don’t want to cheat you out of improving your skills.

First off, your splash page or intro page is way too busy and messy. There is no need to have the flash and browser icons so huge, just little icons would be fine.

Next your text is a bit large, you’re using a size 4 right now and I think something of 1 or 2 is fine. I would probably use a different font as well, maybe Arial or Verdana and keep it consistent throughout your site.

Try not to have your content scatter out so much. I notice that your layout is a bit big for the amount of content you have so theres a lot of unused space which causes my eyes to wander.
I would probably make things closer together and keep them compact, nice and neat so the the viewer focuses on a spot.

As for the overall layout, I would probably add more graphics in and maybe a bit more color too. The blue you have now is too dull by itself, it needs something else to compliment it.

I know that this is your first layout so these errors are common, every designer has made the same mistakes so you’re on the right track. I’m sure you’ll improve and I hope you’ll post more of your work here, good luck. =)


Looks like you are still putting things together…? I’m going to let fly with some things to consider.

Intro: You have some good starting ideas. At first blush, it looked like you just bought Swift 3D and wanted to have show it off. I recommend trying to tie those elements in with something else. I got bored watching the text slowly roll out. Maybe some moving objects or graphics. When the globe appeared, it looked like things were picking up, but it didn’t go anywhere. From the beginning it has a “sleek and simple” appearance. I would recomment building on that.

Fonts: You are using maybe one font? I would spice it up with either several colors or shadows or something. The services page is a good example of where you could break things up. Maybe even use a serif font for the body. Click on the Services page, step three feet from your chair. It looks sort of like a big block.

Background: You’ve got a really big area to work with, and most of it is empty. If you are going to stick with this shape, I would recommend an image or something with a low % alpha to break it up. You don’t have to have a super amazing light show going on in the back ground, but it needs some texture to the overall feel.

Buttons: I like these. I’m not crazy about the date & time, but the buttons are cool. Try making an invisible button to cover a larger area for the sound off.

I would suggest looking at some of the other sites in the Site of the Week section & Site Check forums for alternate layouts and adding elements of font & objects.

Good luck!

Thx for your replies! These tips really helped :slight_smile:

I couldn’t see the flash on the first page,and don’t even think to ask what you are thinking.