i just wanted to subscribe my site to the site of the week - contest.
FishTank (my website)
would be glad if you visit it.
cya somewhere in the matrix
i just wanted to subscribe my site to the site of the week - contest.
FishTank (my website)
would be glad if you visit it.
cya somewhere in the matrix
:*( …
no replies?
i would have been happy if there was only one, but i only got 1 (in letters : one!!!) reply into my guestbook, and thats pretty poor, aint it? plz give me any reactions, good and even bad, or write just a joke, i’d be glad to receive anything, just do it…
i hope the SOTW-section is one of the rarely visited forum-threads, otherwise i would have to kill myself.
so force yourself, help me to increase (or decrease ) my believe in myself and write anything in here
sorry to burst your bubble, but theres a lot of competition in this section and from what I’m seeing, there could still be room for improvements. Its not bad, just could use some minor touch ups. I posted some suggestios on your other thread so hope those help. =)
Sorry man, I couldn’t access your site, would have loved to see it though. Don’t be so hard on yourself keep flashing and the main thing is have fun!!
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