New design - started new site

this weekend i started working on a new site… have not done very much until now, but splashpage and shoutbox are ready… so check it out:

please give me your opinions!

cough site check cough

its cool…the bgrd is a lil disruptive to me and those windows open up very very sloooooow. BUt other than that it is good but nt really my cup of tea…

Took for ever to load. Maybe your pics need a reduction in resolution. Shout box text was unreadable. the Logo looks similar to one i’ve seen before

thanks, will change it soon. about the logo: there are EXTREMELY many webdesigners, so the possibility that one logo looks like the other is quite high, but as long as no one complains i will stay with this…

He’s talking about his own logo fishtank, it’s the same rotated :sure:

  • Soul :s:

oh i see… will change it of course… didnt think of this… sorry man…

edit: everything sintax said is changed…

Wow man thanks for being cool about that. :A+: :thumb:
I know it was porably jsut coincedence but that fact that u changed it shows a ton about your character :slight_smile:

well, i was absolutely blind not to see that you used almost the same, so it was my fault…

thanks for making no problems (some people tend to overreacting when someone has a similar thing on his website :wink: )

just curious what was similar I looked and did not see it I believe. Was it the pixel text? Glad ya’ll resolved it the cool way…BTW tank when you click the shout thing…Is there anyway you can speed it up…Not that my opinion matters but it irritates me…but the site is good otherwise plus my comments made earlier…keep up the good work

thanks, very much appreciated,
although the site is just 10% completed. i will speed up the frames. navigation is still missing, and it takes too long to load… will post it here when its completed

Fish: your site took like over a minute to load a news section and shoutbox. You need to optimize seriously!!!

i said it in the last post…

moved to a faster host, should work faster now :smirk: