Flash and Browsers

Hi everyone,

i’m new to this forum,but i’m really glad i joined in. it’s been a number of years since i started using flash but there’s one issue that just keeps hanging over my head. Flash in IE and Firefox. What is the best frame rate for the flash movies? i’ve aske a few people and got different answers. Some say 24, some say they do it at 120fps. When i use high frame rates in flash it looks fine in authoring environment but when i put it on the web it just looks slow. there are millions of site that work fine (smooth and fast movement), but it just doesn’t seem to work for me. Anyone can answer this question? much appreciated!

for users with an older computer 120 is way too high. The most used framerates are 24 and 30, just like video.

depends on the person:) i personally use 12 for regular projects, but 24 for fbf

yeah, but i’m not talking about old machines. i’m on a 3.4Ghz with 1G RAM and still it looks slower than intended in the browser. and ESPECIALLY on Mac

here’s ane example of a site that works fine http://www.triworks.net/triworks2007_eng/default.htm

and www.insite3.com

there has to be a secret to that

I have the same problem!

IE and Firefox can be temperamental at times
the majority of computers have a reasonably good spec for running flash and director files from the net.

I usual keep the fps at around about 120.