Flash art first try

I’ve never tried drawing in Flash before, but I was really bored, so I went ahead and tried to make something… It’s not done, but it’s just somethin im messin with…
maybe I’ll get better at it or something… or maybe not
anyways, here it is

very nice. keep working on that. :slight_smile:

thanks guig0
at least you were nice this time:P
but yeah, this looks like it could be pretty fun… i think im gonna get into this vector drawing thing

good for you =)

every weird faceless alien should have head phones

not sure if u did it by design or by accident, but you chose very cool colors!. you should definatly develop this more, i really like it!

I don’t think ive ever designed anything… I just randomly start screwin around… but I have a pretty good sense of colors and what goes together well… so that was no biggie.

thanks a lot for your comments, that means a hell of a lot comin from you:beam:

keep going 28…

you´re getting somwere, and it´s going to be nice, i can tell =)

thanks guig0

but now im runnin out of ideas… i put a nose on it… and thats all i can think of so far… any ideas would be awesome…

who said aliens have noses? and dude that is awsome! great use of shadows too!

who said aliens had shiny uhhh oval thingies on their heads either? lol… its not like a human nose, its like a little tiny anime girl nose… its just a tiny little slightly curved line… but i dont feel like uploading it just for that.

but thanks a lot everyone for the nice comments… not what i expected at all

i thought u were all gonna hate it

*Originally posted by xxviii *
**…but thanks a lot everyone for the nice comments… not what i expected at all

i thought u were all gonna hate it **


let me boost your confidence a lil bit, and after that try to keep it up on your own :wink:

even tho this drawing is simple and not finished(YET) you made an excellent color pick, your trace is clean, the overall composition is consitent and well balanced, you have a good sense of 3d and shadow angle/position, what tells me that you have good skills for this job.
your work has a lot of room for improvements, but you made a nice start.
and i´m not really concearned about this work, what i really want to see fully developed is your style.

have faith in yourself, confidence is the greatest tool you´ll ever use.

thanks guig0… im gonna be doin a lot more of this vector stuff… if i can make that on my first try i bet ill be doin pretty well after say a year…

once again, i really appreciate your kinda comments:beam: im gonna be makin some new stuff tonight

yeah i agree with G man.

but any way, isnt vetor great? i started to get used to my wacom and was fooling around in flash i was so amazed at how cool vector can be! very nice so far!

im savin up for a wacom:beam:
what do u guys suggest for like 200 bucks…ish. i dunno how much to save up… and a medium amount of desk space

for starting with a Wacom, the 99USD Graphire 2. thats what edwin uses thats what i use. the higher you go just gives for sensitivity and pressure points, but you should get used to wacom before you go to an Itous, i think. Ren Gril knows a lot about it…but www.pricewatch.com as low as 69.99USD i have seen them for!

cool! I think I’ll get one friday!

i need a graphics tablet too…


so do they help at all in flash and stuff?

Personally, when doing vector art, a mouse is actually easier to control (especially when using the pen tool). The mouse produces more precise paths.

But when sketching or photo doctoring in Photoshop or Painter, a Wacom is heaven! I agree with everyone here - go with a Graphire 2. You’ll get a lot of bang for your buck. It is especially handier if you have a laptop or you travel a lot (like me). In many cases, you won’t be needing an Intuos. Check eBay for good deals.