Flash movies + Fireworks/Dreamweaver

Hi there, I created a website in Fireworks, and I want to add a few flash animations I made… It seems to me that I can’t import flash movies in to Fireworks, right? So I exported them both to Dreamweaver…
But what I want to do is to make the flash animations appear over my fireworks websit, but dreamweaver just shoves it underneath… how can I fix this?

The Drunken Koala

CSS Level 2 using layers and positions

Can you elaborate a little more?

In Dreamweaver you can create layers in your HTML. These layers can sit over other content, so you can place Flash movies over image backgrounds etc.

You can also alter the properties of these layers, making them invisible if you so wished.

if you’ve never done CSS before, its the standard to make pages look pritty well the HTML is for content


[COLOR=deeppink].main {[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]position[/COLOR][COLOR=deeppink]:[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]absolute[/COLOR][COLOR=deeppink];[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]left[/COLOR][COLOR=deeppink]:[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]5px[/COLOR][COLOR=deeppink];[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]top[/COLOR][COLOR=deeppink]:[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]50px[/COLOR][COLOR=deeppink];[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkblue]z-index[/COLOR][COLOR=deeppink]:[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]2[/COLOR][COLOR=deeppink];[/COLOR]

thats a small ex of it where u could probly guess move it from the left 5px and down 50px and the z-index changes the layer order

check it out -->W3C Schools for CSS(http://www.w3schools.com/css/)