Flash MX ACADEMIC EDITION is this any differnt in any way from jsut Flash MX other then price?

you’d have to research at the website, but usually academic versions put a tag in it saying something like “Generated by Academic Version” and so on… pretty benign if you ask me compared to the cost eh?

Look it up on their site tho man.

yah - I think it’s the exact same as the full version only you cannot sell anything make with it - it’s not for professional use. You would have to pay for the full license to use it for profit.

Yep i jsut found it. No comerical use. Thanx guys

np buddy :slight_smile:

Yes, it is the reason I do not get into freelance. . . .

i am buying the studio i think tomorrow. its 168 USD here (long link here) but i wont sell anything.

now i was talking to someone that has it and he said they never run the checks taht they say they will, so if you want you might get buy with it…but you never know :-\ but like i said its for learning purposes for me.

If I’m not mistaken, there might be like 1 or 2 interface changes … like keyboard shortcuts and menu items

I’m not 100% sure though

no from what i hear its just the lable. everything is intact…100% the same, but the licence is diff.

Hey mike is that link u gave for real? The yare selling MX suite for $168 USD? Christ i could buy them and re sell them here at a big profit. That is **** cheap.

it’s academic tho. not really any good for resale, plus I think they
have a clause about that as well, since you have to be a student
to buy it, and the seller has to prove it that you are. It’s not as
great as it looks, since there are so many stipulations and

You’re better off searching around for a good coupon and buying
the full studio.

if you really want the student version, just get a friend that’s in a college or something to go to the local computer store and puchase it for you - lot’s of people did that in my classes.

But like Unflux said - you cant sell anything so really, unless you are going to do everything for free you screwed. ONe other thing - I dont think you can do anything that’s commercial either - like if you made a free site for someone and they made money off of it, I dont think that’s allowed with the licence either, but I could be wrong.

i think you’re right. it’s seriously meant for (and strict) learning only.

sureshot i think that you cant make money off it directly, but you could be right.