Student Studio MX


I’m a student and i’m looking to buy Studio MX or just Flash MX, i’ve been using the version at UNI but i’ll eventually need my own copy.

Can I get a discounted version through macromedia? Or does it only apply to America? (i’m in the UK) I saw Studio MX on Amazon for £200 but at the bottom in small print it says ‘not for commercial use’ does this mean if i bought it I couldnt use it to do work for people?

Hope someone can give me some advice,

Cheers :slight_smile:

PM me, I can help you. :slight_smile:

yah - you were prolly looking at the student version, they will sell you that for a low price but you cannot sell anything you make with it. If you want to sell anything you have made they want you to call them and buy the full license.

woha ? why ? i wanted to buy the student version too ? That is not fair. I mean the really price is really expensive…

It’s not fair - but it’s the way of commerce.

jep… too bad

if you buy the student version you are making a promise (and they do check on this I know of some instances) that it WILL NOT EVER BE USED FOR commercial use… ie you cant make any money off anything you make in the program (or trade work, or do freelance stuff for free - only for personal or calss work). That said, yes the savings are tremendous. You can order it this way off the site or get it at almost any good college book store.


oh and yes it is EXACTLY the same as the reg versions (I’ve had people ask that before).

Sometimes, you may need a letter from your educational institution that outlines how you may be using the program - they actually do quite a good job ensuring that deserving students intent on using their products get a chance to use their programs.

Kirupa :cool:

Hm, that is not the problem. But why can’t we use it for commercial stuff. I mean that is weird…

…depends on how you look at it - are they charging commercial users more or students less (is the glass half full or half empty) ?

And, well they could allways just charge the same full price and not give the discount at all to anybody
… now that would be weird

*Originally posted by c!rYx *
**Hm, that is not the problem. But why can’t we use it for commercial stuff. I mean that is weird… **

No it isn’t weird at all.

They assume (and rightfully so) that if you are going to purchase their proggie and make money off the work you produce from it than you should pay more. If you are simply a student that is trying to learn the proggie, but not intending on gaining anything from it except knowledge than they’ll cut you a break - like they say, “it takes money to make money”.

It hardly seemd weird, actually it is extremely logical.


yeah but how does it make any difference to them if you’re making money?

You are right, but then you need a lot of start up money ;p
And don’t u think that it would be great if you could make money with the Student Versions?

yeah but how does it make any difference to them if you’re making money?

Then you can affort the Full Version. And the Student Version is yust for getting into the prog…

I think it would be great, and technically you can, but it is illegal. Hey, it’s their software and I think they deserve to make the rules… also I don’t think they’d have a problem if you started a portfolio (say fake sites, experiments, etc) even maybe one or two you got a bit of cash for and then purchased the true “do what you want with this version” after you got everything rolling.

In no way do I know Macromedia’s true policy on this, and in no way am I encouraging anyone to break the law – this is just my opinion on the matter. This refers to all posts of mine contained in this thread (just in case the flash police are picky :wink: )


it would be good if you could use it to make money a certain amount of times, and then get enough money to buy the full progrrame. But i guess that would be much more complicated.

quite a bit more, but you could use your own discression and do the same thing… but keep the number of money paying gigs down. They don’t in anyway expect people to be angles.
