Hey all,
I’m trying to work out this tutorial
I want to be able to add more radio buttons and more checkboxes that give me another answer in the result part.
So far I tried this addidnt this to frame 1
// 1. Radion buttons
// -----------------
// The display function
function radioDisplay (component) {
radio = component.getValue() ;
// We assign this function to the group gender
gender.setChangeHandler (“radioDisplay”) ;
// 2. Radion buttons
// -----------------
// The display function
function radio2Display (component) {
radio2 = component.getValue() ;
// We assign this function to the group gender
test.setChangeHandler (“radio2Display”) ;
and added to results
result.text = "You are a “+radio+”
result.text = "You are a “+radio2+”
No success :S. Any help would greatly be appreciate. I am no pro with flash, but I am usually able to understand the scripts and modify them to my needs. But this time, I’m stuck.
With the addition i made, it was able to recognize my radio and checkbox buttons, but it only gave me one line with the answer instead of two seperate ones (one answer for every different group).
I’m trying to build a form that actually allows me to have many multiple choices for different questions.
Thanks in advance