Flash or not?

Hi volks,

does anybody know a content management system that works with php mysql AND flash ?!?

I am just setting up my page and have to use such a system to keep the content dynamic.

Any ideas if that could be realized in flash ?!?

THX for ur comments…

have a look -> http://www.hoerspiel-rezensionen.de


I believe Coldfusion could do that for you, but I could be wrong.

yeah, I was gonna say php is your best bet for that, and I know
flash can handle bringing in data from php, but I’d have to search
for it. But, of course, so could you. :slight_smile:

of course there’s always xml.

nice site btw. :slight_smile:

thx for ur answers :wink:

@geek… yes i think so… but i am looking for a complete predefined content management solution that allows me to administrate dynamic contents as well as import flash movies for steady contents (menus, static infos). Mhhh. Mhhh i guess cold fusion doesn´t serve this ?!?


thx for it …


@ cyne

thx for it man… Wow what a powerful tool…