Didn’t know here to post this, a mod can move it to a more approprate section if he wishes.
I recently upgraded to Photoshop 7. I’ve been running flash MX and had no problmes using Photoshop 6 to create PNG’s and importing them into flash. Now it seems when i create a PNG wiht PS7 it crashes Flash MX when i try to improt it. If i re install Flash it imprts the PNG fine. The minute I open up PS7 the problem seems to show up again. Any body else have this problem. Is there a patch I need or something?:q:
Ya nobody else i talk to with the same setup has experenced this problem. It is really anyoing. I jsut did a fresh install of windows XP and isntalled te to apps and sitll expereanced the same problem.
Fireworks is very limited in a lot of ways compared to Photoshop. Sintax, I’ve experienced the same problem even today. What I did was removed Photoshop 7 then reinstalled Photoshop 6. I think that using Photoshop 6 still gives you a very good output. The softwares are there as tools only. It’s you who create the design or the art. The only problem then would be sulking for buying the new version and not using it!
I got a pretty good deal on e-bay and it wqas never opened so I’m not out to much money and it wasnt tamperd with. I love some of hte new features though. THe Spell Check and the new layer blending options. I also have a couple cool brush sets that only work in 7.
Don’t make me go back to 6:(
At least i know some one esle is ahve in the same problem.
*Originally posted by comicGeek *
**Fireworks is very limited in a lot of ways compared to Photoshop. **
only to people who don’t know Fireworks…
PS is very limited in a lot of ways to Fireworks…
Sorry Sintax… The only time I’ve had probs, was when MM gave me a pre-release of Flash 5 and Generator, and they didn’t like PS 5 … The final release fixed the prob on my machine tho…
I was always a Paint Shop Pro user actually, but was always running into little glitches between that and MX… Since purchasing Fireworks i havn’t looked back… Yes it’s a bit daunting if your not used to it but anything that can be done in PSP or Photoshop can be done in Fireworks (better)…Just my opinion…
Ok i got a copy of fireworks to test and i made a PNG in it and flash didnt’ like it either. So it jsut has a big problem with PNG’s. I re instaled my PS 6 and made a PNG and it didnt’ liek that one either.:-\ :-\
Ya i tried it PS7 and PS6. I saved a PNG in all of them and all of them crash Flash. Then i re isntall flash and i can imprt all of them for a time then at some point it starts to crash again.
Rev, I have used Fireworks in the past…it’s good if your making only graphics for the web…but when you go to desktop publishing, or layouting for print I think Photoshop is best… It is very versatile and has alot of selection options which is I think very impotrant during editing. :-\
I understand, but if you know what you are doing, FW will do the same thing. FW in the past is past (they were a few versions behind PS at least)… MX has brought FW to a whole diff level. A lot of it is what you are used to, and how you use it. I have done plenty of publishing, and print layout with FW, it works fine, and actually saves time when it comes time to go to the web.
A tool is a tool is a tool… it’s how the artist uses the tool (even if it is one he manufactures himself) that is important.
You are right! I guess it come down to preferrence… I guess it would be nice to have some alternative… I haven’t really come to use my FWMX. I bought MM studio MX BTW, but got to use Flash and Dreamweaver only. If FWMX has really gone to a new level then I should try using it!
the learning curve for someone from PS is not great, but it is in no way small. The ways to do some things is easier, but others will drive you nuts until you just don’t care about doing that again…
Once you have the time invested in one, I can’t really see the need to spend that much time to become proficient in both. The benefits couldn’t be justified, IMO.
I was fortunate to get in w/FW1 and was using Illustrator for print media. If I had to become as proficient as you on PS, I would prob pull out what hair I have left. . .
this is one of those “less filling, tastes great” things…