hello! I just finished this flyer of my company what do u think??? Its going to be shown in a mall so I need good feedback please, what do u like, what do u hate, C&C if u want to see the in better resolution go here.
I still have to add some text, my phone number, email, etc…maybe that type of pic is overused but I still love it :love:
yes the word framecreation is a little hard to read, I´ll change that, about making the f capitalized I cant, its part of the logo of the company (I`ll have to convince my brother :P) but thanks for telling me, I´ll play with some colors and change the orange
yes the info is available at the site, I´ll keep it simple then take a look, I add a small drop shadow to the framecreation at the top, is more visible now, and changed the color of the framecreation at the bottom, more visible now too