Flyer Review

Hey everyone, this is a flyer I made in photoshop. Please critique :slight_smile:


1.your name/logo needs to stand out more…
2.slogan is probably required for a flyer like this…
3.main content is to close to the edge

First the goal of a flyer is to grab their attention… yours didn’t do that.

It confused me. What text do I look at first? It’s hard to read because of the busy background. And it isn’t ordered.

my 2 cents.

maybe a different composition of your type and all things general i guess…


Its way to busy - between the photo in the background, to the code in the background, then text, drop shaddow ect, i couldnt tell where to focus my attention to.

You need a simple one colour background with an eye catchy logo and an eye catch font that will keep the reader reading.