Flyer Review

Hey everyone, this is a flyer I made in photoshop. Please critique :slight_smile:


1.your name/logo needs to stand out more…
2.slogan is probably required for a flyer like this…
3.main content is to close to the edge

First the goal of a flyer is to grab their attention… yours didn’t do that.

It confused me. What text do I look at first? It’s hard to read because of the busy background. And it isn’t ordered.

my 2 cents.

maybe a different composition of your type and all things general i guess…


Its way to busy - between the photo in the background, to the code in the background, then text, drop shaddow ect, i couldnt tell where to focus my attention to.

You need a simple one colour background with an eye catchy logo and an eye catch font that will keep the reader reading.

Way too much text,

you should make an image that catch the eye on the flyer … and maybe on the other side, you can have some explanation (text).