[fmx]text effect


my englisch is not so good, sry there for!

i will create an effect like this:

   v i r u s d od e r 

v i r u s d o d e r

it must by horizontally

can sombody help me?

Sorry my friend. You will have to try to ask the question again in more detail. It doesn’t make any sense yet.

What is your native language?
I might be able to find someone who speaks that.


well, the distance between the characters must be bigger. so first the will stand with for ex. 0 cm, than 0.5, 1, 1.5 …

it must be horizantoly, i mean, the letter must go to right and left.
i hope that you understand know a little bit better?

cant you just selct the text and use the a/v slider to make futher apart/ closer together

Do you want it tweeened, or done with code?

maybe it’s stupid, but can you say the both, then i learn a little bit


if i do that, then must i do it for a few frames and i thought that there was something in AS to do that

oh so you’re looking for something coded right? i’ll try but i might nto be able to get it. :-\

sorry, i don’t have much clue actually :-\ I don’t know what code i’d use :-\

and, whith tweening?
is that easier?

i know you can make this effect frame by frame, but that’s not i like to do it

yea, thats tweening. Not frame by frame, but sorta. It doesn’t take that long though if its something simple like that :slight_smile: Unless you want it to go on forever

but how do i do that, i have tried, but it doesn’t work.

my english: is it a little bit good or not?

its understandable, so thats fine :slight_smile:

anyways, on frame 1, choose type your text.

then on frame 5 of the same layer, add a keyframe, and choose how you would like the text to be changed. So here you would add spaces and stuff.

then between frames 1 and 5, right click and choose ‘create tween motion’. Thats it. If it doesn’t work tell me :slight_smile:

i have try it, but it doesn’t work.

something like this? :-\

createText = function(str, dmax) {
	var i, d;
	for (i=0; i<str.length; i++) {
		this.createEmptyMovieClip("char"+i, i);
		this["char"+i]._x = this["char"+(i-1)]._x+this["char"+(i-1)]._width;
		this["char"+i].createTextField("charField", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
		this["char"+i].charField.text = str.charAt(i);
		this["char"+i].charField.autoSize = true;
		this.onEnterFrame = function() {
			if (d<dmax) {
				for (i=0; i<str.length; i++) {
					this["char"+i]._x = this["char"+(i-1)]._x+this["char"+(i-1)]._width+d;
			} else {
				delete this.onEnterFrame;
this.createText("virusdoder", 20);

if so, i guess i could try to explain it and work more on it to make it easier. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, Kax beat me to it, but I couldn’t resist posting my attempt as well:


i will test it, but i think that i don’t understand it, but i will do myne best

that’s ok

p.s. Virusdoder, in het Nederlands is wat mij betreft ook ok. :wink:


thank you very well! that is what i’m looking for.
but i have one question.

now the characters are going to the right,
is it also possible to right en left the same?

thank you again

had het ni gezien, ja, mijn engels is niet zo goed, ik weet het.

je bent bedankt